>What Could This Mean?<

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Balloons eyes fluttered open at the feeling of a bad presence, he was standing in the middle of the lobby of hotel OJ he'd notice the burns across the walls and the rotting wallpaper, outside was black and anonymous, there was a faint light in the lobby though the lightbulb was broken. There were dark particles floating in the air like ash, Balloon was terrified by this sighting, he looked at the pills that were scattered across the table and floor... the bottle was nowhere seen only the instruction manual. He picked it up and looked at it, it read 'Flarin... If you take more Flarin than you should, contact a doctor, emergency room or pharmacy. The symptoms of overdose may be: nausea, vomiting and stomach pain. A buzzing in the ears, headache, dizziness, vertigo and bleeding from the stomach or intestines may also occur.'

Balloon put it down and looked at the red and blue pills that were scattered on the table however, they had magically disappeared. His hands were trembling with fear, what could this mean? Thoughts rushed through his head as he sat down on the table and stared at the sheet, gracefully rubbing his temples. All of a sudden a huge migraine his his head, he groaned in pain and covered his eyes, his leg bouncing up and down under the table.

He kept telling himself it was just a dream, nothing to think about... though why could he feel pain. He growled, the migraine only getting worse then all of a sudden a loud ringing was heard echoing through the room, he yelled "Leave me alone!" To anyone who would listen. But when he opened his eyes, he was back in his cold room with suitcase sleeping on the other side peacefully asleep.

Balloon stayed up the whole night on his phone, he'd completely forgotten about the dream and was looking through old pictures of the competition. Sunrise soon came and his phone read '05:45' he rubbed his eyes with one hand, he slowly got out his loud bed and put his phone down on the side facing down. He looked out his window at the horizon with bags under his eyes, he saw birds who'd just woken up fly around and sing their pretty songs, he yawned while closing the window, it was cold since it was turning into winter after all.

He went to the bathroom and closed the door, his phone on the other had just got a notification, followed by another one and another. Suitcases phone was doing the same, but she was to busy sleeping. Balloon came back in after brushing his teeth and went to the door, he tiredly opened it and was greeted by objects running down the hall in a panicked manor. He snapped awake at this sighting and closed the door behind him, looking down the hall he saw people crowding outside Trophy's and Tissues room while Knife stood in the doorway, blocking everybody out.

Balloon slowly followed everyone, now he was just surrounded by objects as worried as much as he is, other then the whispered and such around him however, he could hear some sort of yelling and horrible language coming from the room, Balloon struggled to push forward to get a better view. As he was near the front TestTube out of nowhere pushed past and Knife let her in, "Don't you guys listen!? This is serious and none of you can enter!" Knife furiously roared at everyone, Balloon could notice the slight drops of sweat oozing down his blade, meaning it serious if he's worried too.

Knife looked behind him and moved out the way as Trophy held Tissues in his arms, both of them looking pale and unresponsive, however Tissues was passed out, TestTube and OJ followed after him. Everyone in the crowd followed them down the hall to the lobby, even knife. Balloon stood there, bamboozled on what the heck was going on, he looked around as everyone was out of sight and entered the room, the bedroom looked normal, though both the beds were messy and a pot was on the floor. His arms trembled as he opened the crooked bathroom door, his saw bottles of soap everywhere and something that made his eyes widened.

He walked over to the bottle of pills, it was empty though a phew were scattered on the floor and in the sink, his heart was pounding in his chest as the dream flooded back into his mind as he examined one of the blue and red pills. "This... wha- how is this possible!?" He panicked, noticing a drop of green on the ground and the sink clean but the bowl has dark green and red liquid stained around it.

Balloon was on his bed, he was back from when OJ had a whole lecture about how he asked MePhone to visit and recover him. Tissues death was messing with Balloon's head, how did his mind know this would happen? "It will be okay Balloon... Tissue died in a painless way, but he might be back soon." Suitcase sat next to Balloon on his bed, his eyes not leaving the ground as he crossed his arms, the bags under his eyes getting more extreme every time he choose to not blink.

"By vomiting his insides out!? Yeah sure." Balloon said more harsh then needed "We'll- I..." Suitcase stuttered. "Hey Suitcase?" Balloon looked away from the orange carpet for once and looked her dead in the eye. "Wha..." "I can tell you anything right?" Suitcase was cut off, she slowly looked around the quiet yet uncomfortable room while nodding. "I... I had a dream last night, about... well.. there was pills on a table- the ones Tissues overdosed on, and it had the manual about the side effects of overdose." He finished talking, shutting his mouth from saying anymore.

"We'll... you didn't know that 'accident' would happen so, thank you for telling me this." Suitcase sat up, walking up to the door and opening it with her foot. "I..." Balloon was cut off as she closed the door and could hear her walking away. Balloon uncrossed his arms and looked at the small red and blue pill in his hand.


The voice made himself jump up, he dropped the pill on the ground as he stood up straight, looking at the corner of the source of the sound. He saw himself, though he wasn't red, he was a black with red and blue particles hovering around it. His breathing quickened, there's no way this was real, his mind must be playing tricks on him, though he saw the figure move across the room, the room becoming more uneasy and scary with each step. Suddenly it charged at his with its hands wide open and as soon as Balloon was about to scream, it disappeared, he stood there with his legs and arms shaking in terror as he could hear the faint talking from the lobby downstairs.

Woah trauma go brrr.
Anyway Tissues is dead and what do y'all think about this fanfiction so far??? Good right???

Anyway hope y'all have a lovely day!

- Caramel <3
1207 Words.

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