>Shards Of Glass<

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(Suicide & Self Harm Warning)

Lightbulb was looking at Soap who was on the couch next to her, a bruise from where she fell over on her head. "You were saying?" Lightbulb said to her, as talking was heard near the front door. "I said that the killer was... uh... where's the book?" Soap reached her hand out for it, her other hand rubbing her head. "Here!" Lightbulb magically pulled the book out of, nowhere?

"Now look..." Soap looked at the notes and pictures from Balloon's diary, Lightbulb looked at it and turned pale. "IT WAS BALLOON GUYS!" Lightbulb called out, everyone stopping to look at her.

Paper looked at OJ, who was looking at Lightbulb, "I'll be back, we're locking this hotel up, no one is leaving." OJ begun walking to the stairs. "B- but what about Balloon!" Paper called out. "He's killed loads of innocent objects, he's better of dead" OJ kept walking, being stopped by Paper who grabbed his wrist.

"But he tried to stop! He had the chance to kill me but didn't, he was going to kill Taco but that... didn't go well..." OJ looked at Paper, pity on his face. "Well he's probably dead already if Taco has him." OJ knocked Paper out his grasp and he continued to walk upstairs.

"Huh?" Suitcase appeared, moving out of OJ's way, "What's going on? I heard Balloons name!" Suitcase ran to Baseball. He gave Paper a stressed look. "You... might want to sit down."

OJ stomped through the halls, muttering to himself as he headed to his room for the control panel, suddenly stopping in front of Peppers and Salts room. He looked at the door, at the one bouquet near it, he inhaled, grabbing the door knob and twisting it open. "Pepper?" OJ walked in, the blinds were closed, mess was everywhere and OJ stopped in his tracks, losing his breath. "Pepper..."

There she was, that was Pepper... hanging two feet from the ceiling.

Balloon slammed his elbow into the door, yelping and hurting himself in the process. The door not moving even a centimetre. He gazed to the window, walking over to it and grabbing the bat in the process. He covered his eyes with one hand and slammed the bat into the glass, cutting his hand and hissing from the sensation.

He licked the blood off his fist and continued to smash the rest of the glass, luckily not hurting anymore of himself. Something seemed different as he caused the destruction, like he wasn't doing it himself. He dropped the bat, wiping the blood off his hand once again. He grabbed onto the window frame, trying his best not to cut himself any longer, one pin on his body would kill him, that was the worse part of being a balloon.

His feet dropped onto the now dead white tulips, running into the forest, the rain hitting his back and the mud getting on his feet. The wind harshly blowing him back, the trees laughing and taunting him.


Balloon fell over as he screamed in agony as a strong stinging was felt from his foot. It seemed as if he'd stepped on something, something sharp. "ARGH!" He gripped his foot, as he sat up in the mud, the moon glazing his eyes. He looked at what he'd stepped in and his face went pale, there was Salt, smashed up and a piece one of her eyes wide open, pure terror spread all over it.

He looked at his foot and his jaw opened in horror, multiple shards, powder, and rivers of blood spilling from it like a faucet. He couldn't walk now.

His only chance now was to crawl.

Trophy was in his restroom, washing his face, bags under his eyes and a baggy hoodie covering him. He sighed, leaning into the mirror, he gazed at himself, oh how tired he looked. His eyes traced the marble counter, moving towards a shaver in the side next to a face cloth. He grabbed it, taking the blade from the plastic, he needed to feel something, like he used to.

"What's the point?"

Because you want to.
Do it.
If you don't you'll die.
I'll kill you.
Do it.
You have no choice Trophy.
No one wants you here.

Trophy slid up his wrist and pierced the blade into his arm, he didn't flinch, he couldn't feel anything. He was completely hollow. Nothing inside. Who was he now? A depressed loser who wants a dum friend back, but not like that would come true. He cut his arm deeply, blood trickling into the sink, he had never gone this deep before, it hurt a little... wait.

He could feel.

He continued to go different places on his arm, going deeper then the next. He felt happy, but something inside him was telling him to stop. He rolled up the other arm and went completely at it. This whole time of trying to feel something... and he finally could!

But suddenly his mind cut off, he dropped the blade into the sink and gazed at the damage to his arms, blood submerging the deep cuts, filling up the  sink even with it unplugged. He closed his eyes and sighed, his arms growing weak. And suddenly his legs lost balance, falling, into something that felt like flowers. Something warm, and something that calmed him.

"Trophy?" Tissues said, his raspy voice causing Trophy to snap open his eyes.

"Tissues..." Trophy looked up at him from the ground. Tears boiling his eyes.

A phew moments had past, Suitcase was on Balloon's bed and looking at an old picture frame, her mascara getting all down her face as she cried, her world was crumbling around her, she had no one now, no one to talk to, and it's not like Baseball and Nickel cared.

She snuffled her nose and held the picture up to her chest, multiple sobs heard from inside the room. She muttered to herself that it was okay, but she knew it wasn't. She had that little hope left inside her, the probability of Balloon still being alive was low, but yet again it's not always zero percent.

But Balloon was alive in fact, but he was crawling on the grass as fast as he could to get back to her, to get back towards the hotel, get back to the normal life, we're everyone hated him.

Suitcase stared at her feet, the moon outside giving a cold feeling into the room, it was midnight, practically showering outside, there's no way Balloon could survive if he was alive, not to mention OJ putting the whole Hotel on lockdown.

Suitcase turned off her lamp and rolled over in Balloon's covers, listening to the rain as she drifted off, tears still falling from time to time, hoping it would soon stop.


But yeah this chapter was the most coolest one to write so far.

But at least he's been reunited with his lover pffft- /hj

Thanks for reading this chapter!

-Caramel <3
(1202 Words)

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