> In The Brain <

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Balloon was dazed, as Figure.. or Bow, walked up to him.
"I had no choice.." She frowned, walking behind him on the chair.
Suddenly she gently whispered into his ear; "I did give you warnings, dreams of the future.. but the more you didn't sleep the less I gave you."

She stood behind him and cowered, Taco just laughed, "Your little face my poor Balloon, Everything was all because of me. I have it all planned out, and I most certainly don't need your help anymore."
As Taco tossed the Bow-in-nator in her hand, she showed him it's sharp pointy side.
"So I might as well kill you to keep my secrets, secret."
As she walked up closer to him, all he he could do was watch and shake.
"Don't do this! I- I'm not ready to die!" He begged.
"Oh," Taco smirked, "No one is."

She stopped in front of him, the tenseness between them causing her to smile and him to start crying.
"Taco please... I'm sure you can still use him," Bow budged in, she had taken back her normal form, "There's no need to kill him so early."

That's when Taco looked like she was thinking, and he had gotten an idea before she said anything.
"I have a deal for you," He started slowly, clearly not wanting to do this.
But he'd do anything to save Everyone.
And even though he said no.
And he knew she couldn't keep his word.
His life wouldn't matter anyway.
So... what's the point?
What's the point in any of this?
What's the point of... me.

"I'll do it," He cried, "One more Life, that's it. One more. Then we're done."
Taco smiled at him, "Good. I'll let you stay here and ponder for a bit. Bow, keep him company."
Then Taco walked away and closed the door behind her.

It was now silent in this dark room again, Balloon could feel the dust choking him from the inside and his limbs beginning to grow numb.
He sighed, swinging his head low, "Why did you do all this? What could you possibly hope to gain?"
There was a pause between the two.
"A life," Bow said blandly, "A second chance to leave this place and start again."

"Why?" Balloon started, "Why do you want to live with all this chaos?"
Bow went silent, floating in front of him as the faint pink glow gave that small piece of light.
"To leave, leave with the people I love most and allow us to forget everything and be normal people again"

Suitcase wondered the halls slowly, she wasn't feeling herself at all, she didn't know why but she hoped it would be over soon.
That's when she sluggishly walked past a room with someone yelling, and it seemed to have been TestTube's room.
That's strange, she can't talk.

Curiosity got the better of her as she budged open the door with her foot, noticing Soap yelling at TestTube.
"If you're to much of a wimp I might as well go out and get it!"
Soap yelled at TestTube, who was laying down on her bed face up with her arms crossed, clearly looking not impressed and not listening.

Soaps enraged face turned and noticed Suitcase cowering behind the door.
"Suitcase! Uh- I didn't see you there! Stalker..."
Soap rubbed her eyebrows, leaning over the closed window, taking deep breaths but obviously failing to calm down.

"What's... going on?" Suitcase asked.
"We're running out of medical supplies, not like we can order some. So I'm thinking of going out there to grab some from her lab."
And then it was like TestTube heard only that and lifted her back up, flurrying her arms.
"No am I TestTube! Since you're obviously not going out there."

Then Fan busted into the room, he still had those burns but they were healing pretty fast.
"Has anyone seen my phone!?" He pushed past Suitcase, "Oh hey TestTube!"
Everyone just looked at him.

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