>Tulips As White As Bones<

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Balloon opened the window and had his elbows hold his head up with his hands, the wind blowing gently around him, he sighed "If the dream before Tissues... death knew it was going to happen. Who were the two objects in those beds..." he thought hardly, trying to think of any details of the room. All of a sudden he could hear rushing footsteps from down the hall outside, his eyes widened as he could hear the doorknob of his room beginning to twist and turn, each movement getting harsher to the next. He could feel his throat tighten up as he watched in horror as there were three loud bangs on his door, "Locked... dang it..." A strangely familiar feminine voice whispered from behind the thin slim door.

The footsteps moved away, fading into the hotel walls of sleeping objects. Balloon was struggling to keep up on his feet as they had randomly became weak, he shrugged it off thinking it was just Suitcase trying to get into the room. Wait, he'd forgotten about Suitcase! He grabbed his phone and unlocked the door, walking outside the hallway was dark and gloomy instantly making him think of the figure he'd been 'talking' to for the past day. He kept the door open as he let go of it, turning on his flashlight because he didn't want to turn on the light since it could cause waking someone up and getting yelled at. He stepped into the darkness, his flashlight only showing a phew inches in front of him and his steps remembering him of those who'd knock on his door. His hands began to tremble as he realised that object was out here, the one who tried to get into his room.

He began to smell a scent of freshly cut vegetables or just cut grass, he was glad it wasn't burning or anything that could connect the dots to the ash in his dreams. His breathing quickened as he could feel someone watching him from behind, he turned around, only to see the darkness behind him, he noticed he'd made it to the stairs and made his way down. In the lobby he could see the Tv on and OJ and Paper gently snoring together on the couch, he made his way to the kitchen and all of a sudden there was a jump scare on the Tv which almost made him screech, covering his mouth and he turned to the Tv.

He got into the dark kitchen with only the light from the Tv lighting it up, noticing Suitcase wasn't here he sighed after noticing the health bar she left of the counter. He turned his flashlight off and rubbed his eyes, grabbing a cup from the cabinet and began to fill it up with water and while doing so he looked out the window above the sink, noticing the sun starting to shine above the horizon.

He saw something odd, he squinted his eyes as the sight of someone running outside while carrying something high in the air. "What the..." He whispered, not noticing the cup that had filled up and starting to overflow down his arm.
"Balloon?" He heard the familiar figures voice say from behind him.
He gasped in surprise and quickly turned around with his arm outstretched, ending up getting water all over them. "What the hell Balloon!?" Paintbrush snapped, their hair ruffling up getting ready to set ablaze.

"S... sorry Paintbrush! You scared me there haha..." Balloon threw the cup back in the sink, ditching the whole idea of a drink quickly. "Whatever... anyway can you stop knocking on people's doors? We know you all want us to trust you or whatever but acting all creepy isn't going to make you look good any better any time soon." Paintbrush pushed pass Balloon and grabbed a bowl from the bottom of the sink, "What's that for?" Balloon pointed to the same bowl that was on Tissues room floor after that accident.

"For me to know and for you to never find out! And why would I tell you if you just doused me in cold water?" Paintbrush dramatically put their hand up the their forehead and ruffled their hair back, before giving Balloon a scowl and walked back to the stairs. Balloon huffed in relief, looking back at his phone on the counter at the coordinates then back outside where the figure was, rain now hitting the window. "They'll trust me if I tell them about the... things outside" He said to himself as Balloon picked up his phone, walked to the front door and grabbed his yellow scarf. Opening the door and walking out, the calm rain hitting his face straight away. He looked on Me-Maps and followed the directions to the shed he saw on the internet earlier.

It seemed he'd been walking for ages, the time on his phone went 4:23, there was barely a dirt path anymore, the sun was barely shining and none of the birds had started singing yet. He started noticing the white tulips, they were bright as bones while growing down the area he was walking in, his scarf was soaked and his phone was struggling to stay alive on low battery. He noticed the shed in the distance and a light shining from inside it, he put his phone away and speed walked towards it. He gradually opened the crooked open door and saw an object, sitting on a table near the window of the shed, a faint candle near a book and a tall structure with a blanket covered over it on the other side.

The object turned their chair as they held a mug in one of their hands and a pen in the other, Balloon was struck, he hadn't seen her since season one! She smiled at him, her eyes dark and gloomy as they had been hiding secrets.

"Hello" She went in her British accent, doing a hand signal for Balloon to come inside with the candle blowing more harshly as the cold winter air entered.

"Taco?" He managed to spit out, walking inside with his fists clenched, suddenly the door behind him closed and locked.

"I have a phew questions for you."

Weep, Taco girl is best girl.

Anyway this chapter was way longer then it should be, but what are your theories so far? :)

Anyways hope you have a lovely day again!

- Caramel <3
1079 Words.

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