> Pressure <

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Balloom struggled to pull MePads body across the ground.
But, he was determined and Oh boy was he getting him to the hotel.
Every step it took, it felt like everyone was cheering him on.. well, he thought it felt like that.
He imagine OJ seeing Paper again.
Paper seeing Salt again.
Microphone and Knife.
Tissues and YinYang.

...he was going to get everyone home.
He felt happy, angry? Sad?
It was hard to describe.
Come on, come on- He said to himself on repeat, he wasn't going to give up now.
Why would he do that?
At last, the hotel was in sight, holding MePad tightly behind him as he walked.
Tears gushing down his face, his entire body aching.
...He can do this.


People were running around in the hotel, some were crying, some were yelling.
Suitcase was just on the couch, probably questioning her existence.
"Well how am I suppose to know where OJ went!?" Trophy yelled at Pickle.
"I was just asking a simple question!" Pickle screamed back.
The two were fighting in the kitchen.
Suitcase was sitting next to Nickel who was passed out and his foot pressed up against the side of her face.
Bags were under her eyes, she was too focused on one thing... Was me freeing Balloon the right thing?
Did he just runaway with the mess he.. he caused?
Or am I just a stupid piece of luggage who is to stubborn to accept that everyone is terrible.

No, she pushed those thoughts out her head and focused on the present.
Bomb was on the dining table looking at his glass of orange juice, he's been quiet this entire time.
Suitcase new that mainly everyone was in their rooms probably sobbing their eyes out or punching their pillow.
She couldn't believe her best friend would do something like this.
TestTube walked into the lobby with Soap talking behind her, the two girls both looked like they hadn't slept in years.
The tv was buzzing, only faint mumbles were heard from the show that was on.
Oh how she wished it would all go back to normal.
TestTube opened a drawer and grabbed a few pieces of paper that were stapled together.

In a room upstairs Fan was talking to Lightbulb.
"Its hard to explain what happened, but when I woke up Soap said for me to add the skin cream to my burns before I sleep," He chuckled, passing the tube to her, "And- I can't reach my back so do you mind helping?"
Lightbulb giggled and agreed, and begun adding it to his back.
The two had grown quite close the past few days.. probably because they realised it was only them left.
TestTube was to busy with keeping everyone healthy.
And Paintbrush was well... gone.

In another room Marshmallow was panicking, maybe even crying.
"What if OJ's dead and it's all because we didn't stop him from doing so!?"
She paced around, her hands on each side of her head.
Apple just sat on her bed and listened, "Well don't think about it."
Marshmallow tried to calm her breathing down, succeeding, "Its so stupid! Why am I even thinking like this!? This is nothing like me!"
She cried out into a massive sob, running and jumping next to Apple; continuing to wrap her arms around her and continued to sob.
Apple patted her back, "You need to make your mind not control you. Focus. I know you can."
Marshmallow curled her lip and stammered: "B-but I can't! I don't know how!"
Apple gently hummed, letting Marsh cry it all out and talk to her after. She's not going to force her to calm down.. why would she do that?

"Well maybe you should open your eyes! Listen I know your angry about everything but please just cooperate with me!" Pickle called to Trophy.
Trophy just simply begun to walk away.
...suddenly the door knocked.
Everyone fell silent and looked at it.
Then the knocking got more harsh, each knock after the other.
"M-m-maybe its O-OJ!" Bomb got up from his chair and ran go the door.
"Wait hold on!-" Pickle yelled out, reaching for Bomb as he opened the door.
There was Balloon with MePad behind him.
"I-" Balloon begun to say but suddenly the door slammed closed, Pickle jumped on the door and put all his weight on it, causing it to close.
"Are you insane!?"

Soap and TestTube gave each other the look, TestTube went through the pages and showed Soap a sentence.
Soap grabbed the paper and walked up to the two.
"Actually! We saw that he had MePad! Someone who can bring people back from the dead. I say we grab MePad and arrest Balloon!"
Pickel and Trophy exchange glances and Trophh pushed Bomb out the way.
When they opened the door.
Mepad was on the ground...
..And Balloon was gone.

Everyone went silent again.
"Well grab him and TestTube can fix him!"
Trophy grabbed MePad and dragged him in, Pickle cleared out the table and they pushed Mepad up onto it, placing him on his back on the table like a hospital bed.
The three looked at TestTube who looked kinda worried.
All the pressure was on her now.


Days had passed, endless days of nonstop work for TestTube.
She wanted to make sure it worked, everyone's hope's and dreams in her hands.
The day had come to see if it worked.
TestTube immediately went onto work with MePad, everyone got her all the supplies she asked because they were so desperate to have their friends back.
However, it wasn't an easy job, it took her months to figure out the interior of MePad.
And the fact MePad was right there and all that time he spent in that damp shed.

She spend days on fixing MePad, everyone had to learn quickly was patience was, and during that time TestTube brought her experiment into her room so she would have privacy.
Until it was ready...
The day had come.
Everyone was in the lobby.
MePad was on the couch and TestTube stood in front of him.
It was time to see if she did it.
Everyone would come back.
"And time for the reveal!"
Soap announced, reading a sticky note TestTube gave her.
Everyone and everything went silent as she pressed the 'on' button on MePad.


There was a loud buzz, and MePads screen flickered a lot.. but not in a good way.

Hey everyone! Long time no see.
I've been busy with school and stuff, I got COVID too. (Which was ages ago.)
Uhh, I'm leaving ya'll on a cliffhanger(?) Again because I love ya'll.
Uhh learning to animate too so that's cool!
Sorry for being so dead, I've been drained to the bone and I had no energy for anything.
Also sorry for the short chapter lol.
Love ya'll!

- Caramel <3
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