>She's Next?<

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"Sorry Tube, OJ is forbidding us from leaving. And to be honest I'm not going outside where a murderer is for no one. So... sayonara" Fan gradually deleted the text from her phone and passed it back to her. He slowly waved and left the room.

It was late at night, the rooms curtains were open as if they were purposely inviting the moonlight in. Balloon and Suitcase were sleeping in their covers.
He had gotten his book back from Soap not that long ago, and it filled him with grief to look at the crossed out names,
And the ones that were meant to be.
It was sad really, how you can get lost in something you think right. However as time went on Balloon opened his eyes with the light from Suitcase, despising to look at the book any longer which had caused him to rip the page out and throw it into the trash.

Balloon tossed side to side continuously, he was having a dream though, not like the normal ones in fact.
This time he was actually pleasant, one which caused him a small smiled which formed on his lips... one without the figure.
And this night he was actually getting sleep, not like he deserved it if course, not to mention the amount of sins he committed in just a matter of two months.

His dream was interrupted as a thunder smash was heard inches away from the hotel, he yelped and sat up.
The moon was still out and rain was hitting hard.
However, something felt off.
As if something was watching him...
Or... someone.
Movement in the corner of his eye brought his attention to the window, and his skin crawled as he saw a figure, no, not the figure.
It was an object.
And the feeling it gave him was painful.

It tapped the window, thunder hitting once again.
His heart begun to race, and he watched in trepidation, this must've been another dream, but why was it so late?
And why did his dreams suddenly go to good to bad?

"Figure I know it's you." Balloon choked up, however his skin begun to crawl as it didn't break character.
Suddenly the object jumped through the glass, without shattering it.
So its clearly a supernatural being.
It walked to the end of Balloon's bed and yet it's body wasn't clear enough to make out.

It started beeping, and static was heard as it begun to talk. Not a single word was able to process due to all the static.
But only one.

"She's next."

Gasping, Balloon lifted his back up once again and it was clear it wasn't a dream this time. The sun was shining yet it was lightly raining and you could still see the sun through the thin clouds.
As he left the room he noticed Suitcase had woken up before him and he rubbed his forehead trying to remember what the hell just happened.

He saw Marshmallow and Apple walking down the hallway too, it seems those two had grown close to each other.
He didn't care though, he wasn't the type to run into other people's business.
Maybe it was a joke from his mind?
If it was figure they would've responded to him, so.. who was it?

As he opened another rooms door, TestTube looked at him with an eyebrow raised.
It was clear she had the bandage off now, but yet.. still no mouth.
He also noticed that there was a medical tube on her wrist which was clearly used to give her the nutrients she would need without eating anything.

"I have a phew questions for you that I think you might not have the answer for. Not to mention we can't leave." He said more sternly then intended.
TestTube looked panicked, like she'd know he was going to hurt her after what he'd done.

"I'm not going to hurt you! I just need some answers." He put his hands up in front of his chest, showing how he had no weapons on him.
She was at her desk with some notes scattered across it, she did some signs with her hand and pointed next to her.
He closed the door and stood beside her.

After a while of getting settled in, he begun asking the weird questions;
"So.. I've been having these- very weird dreams. And I have a thought they meant something, not to mention the same 'thing' coming up.
But I have to tell you something I haven't even told Suitcase."

TestTube was listening as she wrote down her notes with a pencil, which looked like they weren't part of the situation.
Balloon took a sigh, and carried on;
"I've had about one with everyone in the hotel, separately.
One about Tissues before he.. passed.
One with Microphone...
I think I had one with Knife, but it's very blurry then the rest."

As he stopped for another breather TestTube stopped her pencil and grabbed another note and quickly wrote down.
She showed him the note and it had a phew questions written on it.
Ones like; 'What do you mean 'thing'?"
"Do they feel real? Can you feel pain?"
"Have you had any newer dreams with people in them? Does it bring up their fate?"
'Are they 'Recurring?'"

Balloon looked at the note, only wanting the answer the first question; "It's hard to explain... they look so, disoriented and as if a shadow. Do you know anyone who might know some sort of answer on what it is?"
TestTube rolled her eyes, easily knowing he just ignored the rest of the questions.

She showed him another note;
"Try Marshmallow."

Marshmallow? What would she have to do about it, wait... did she know something he didn't, she'd seem very distant from him or even the rest of the Grand Slams.
"Right... Thanks I guess."

Balloon walked through the hallways at a alarming fast pace, holding the thought of Marshmallow on pause in his head, he muttered to himself as he rubbed his forehead, questions racing his mind as Nickel eyed him walking past.

All of a sudden he walked into.. a wall?
No.. this wasn't a wall. It was a door.
And Marshmallow was surprisingly the one who opened it.

Right. Balloon went, Question time.

I've been busy with life.
And stuff.

Also yeah updates will be slower then normal due to my life being annoying and such.

Anyway sorry for the boring chapter I'll make it up to you I promise!!!!

Anyway uh... Thanks for reading this chapter!

-Caramel <3
(1111 Words)

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