"Come with me." OJ said sternly as he grabbed 'Balloon's' arm and pushed him into the storage room.
He pushed Balloon in, "Stay here," OJ scoffed, "I need to grab someone"
Then the door closed.
OJ locked the door behind him, sighed and then walked away to try and find someone.-
On the other hand, Knife was drunk on the counter, the static in his mind caused from the tv that Paper and Pickle were watching.
"Hold on," Pickle got up, "I'll be right back."
Knife took notice to this, being fully out of it he stumbled onto his feet, following Pickle as much as he could.
As he walked past the storage room he heard a loud bang and a yell.
This took his attention away from Pickle and turned his droopy face towards the door.
He twisted the door nob, locked.
There was a shatter of glass that was heard, and he begun getting more frustrated and finally got the door open by kicking it.
Before he could comprehend what was going on, Balloon, or, What looked to be Balloon jumped out at him.After instantly feeling the punches that he was being hit with, he widened his eyes and threw Balloon off him.
However, Balloon came back at him with full speed, punching Knife right in the middle of the face, causing him to fall back onto the ground.He saw Soap and Suitcase run around the corner after hearing all the ruckus, and both of them gasped as Balloon jumped onto Knife, pinning him down onto the ground as he slammed his fists into Knife's stomach.
Knife was coughing up blood now, why can't he fight back!?
He kicked Balloon in the gut and was instantly thrown off him."Wanna fight huh!? BRING IT ON!!" Knife weakly got up onto his feet, wiping the blood off from his nose.
The two girls screamed as the two boys instantly abused each other.
Knife slammed Balloon's back into the wall, causing him to cough up blood as well.
Balloon fell onto the ground, Knife stood back as he watched Balloon weakly get up, shaking and trembling.
"Holy cow-.." He heard Soap gasp, covering her mouth.Knife got ready for another blow as Balloon went for another charge, then suddenly as Balloon ran at him, Trophy came out of nowhere and punched Balloon right on the side of the face, Balloon yelped and fell right on his side.
"Dude, what the hell!?" Trophy turned to Knife, who was shaking and stumbling, blood all on his face and fists.
"Well! Uh- Balloon just charged at me-.." Suddenly Knife begun going weak and fell right onto Trophy, absolutely exhausted.
"Soap! Get over here and help me! He's heavy as hell!"
Soap ran over the Trophy and dragged Knife away."What is going on here!?" YinYang and Cherries appeared, panic on their faces.
"Balloon and Knife tried to kill each other. So on." Trophy turned to them, looking at his slightly bloody fist."Look out!" Suitcase screeched as Balloon suddenly jumped onto his back and begun clawing at him.
Trophy let out a scream of agony, slamming his back and Balloon into the wall.
Balloon pushed Trophy to the ground and looked at Suitcase.
Suddenly he frowned, then went back to his sicko mode.
He charged at YinYang and Cherries.
The two of them screamed.
Balloon gripped Cherries and kept running down the hall with them in his grasp.As Cherries was heard screaming, Lightbulb and Fan walked out a room and watched them run past.
"What the-.." Fan gasped as Balloon ran up the stairs, suddenly seeing Trophy run after him, his back covered in blood.
Trophy chased after Balloon up the stairs to the roof, gasping for air.
As they got to the top, Trophy noticed Balloon looking at him, having a sharp object under one of the Cherries necks."Balloon have you gone insane!?" Trophy stumbled forward, finally noticing the off colour of his body.
"What about what you told me! About it being over soon!?"
Balloon glared at him, emotionless.
"It will all be over soon. You'll. All. Die."
Balloon slit Cherries throat, as the other one screamed in pain and agony, he swung around and threw them off the edge, hearing a splat moments later.Trophy stood back, his hands now shaking.
This isn't him.
Suddenly OJ came running up the stairs, "WHAT THE HELL!? DID I JUST SEE CHERRIES FALL TO THEIR DEATH!?"
Trophy looked at OJ and eyed Balloon."Oh lookie. Backup."
Suddenly the hotel alarm went off, something had set fire and set the fire-alarm off.
"OJ sort the hotel out, I'll settle this." Trophy whispered to OJ, he nodded and went down the stairs.
"Now. Let's finish what you started in the hallway." Trophy cracked his blood stained knuckles.
Balloon nodded and gripped the sharp object harder.They yelled and charged at each other, Trophy hit his head harshly against Balloons, causing Balloon to yelp and step back.
"The pros of being made of solid gold." Trophy smirked, getting ready as Balloon charged at him again.
Then, all off a sudden he felt a sharp sting on his back, it took him a moment to process what it was.
Only if he knew that Balloon had just impaled the sharp piece of metal
straight into his back.
He couldn't feel it, something to do with adrenaline he supposed.Balloon stepped back, waiting for a response to the river of blood dripping from Trophy's back and onto the floor.
He didn't expect Trophy to suddenly push him to the floor, get on top of him and started beating the hell out of him.
Each punch got harsher to the next, knocking out some of Balloon's teeth.He got off him as he realised he knocked him out, Trophy dragged Balloon's body near a satellite, found a piece of rope that was used for when Soap cleaned the outer windows and tied his wrists behind it.
He still hadn't noticed the amount of blood he was loosing, he ran back down the stairs, covering his ears from the alarms.As he got down to the middle floor, he noticed a huge fire in the garden through a window, and two people in the middle of it, fighting.
He could tell exactly who it was.Taco and OJ.
Woah a lot of action!
Sup y'all, I can't have a good publish time a week can I?
But I'm still here :,D
Thanks for reading this wild chapter!!~ Caramel <3
( 1098 Words )

Fanfiction(THIS BOOK IS ON HIATUS, AND IS NOT COMPLETE) Dreams. Balloon is the most hated among the objects in hotel OJ, but when someone shady gives him an offer to be accepted, he takes it... but the dreams begin to flood in, and the figures in the room wo...