Paintbrush gazed to OJ, who was lost in thought while staring at the doorframe to the stairs. "Nice going dude." Paintbrush sarcastically said as they patted OJ on the shoulder, pushed past Knife (Who nobody had realised was really there) and went back to their drawing. Letting OJ fix this one, I mean it's what he was best at; fixing things.
Suitcase was wondering the halls of the second story, heading towards Nickel's and Baseball's room. Casually thinking of Balloon, she was worried for him, I mean who wouldn't? He'd been acting quite distant from her lately, and was leaving the hotel more then usual. She stepped in front of the door, objects walking past every now and then, Trophy; who gave Suitcase a weird glance, being one.She kicked the door lightly, not like she could knock, she had no hands. Nickel kicked it open. His room gave a weird cherry candle scent, the blinds were closed and a lamp was looming the room, with a phew candles every now and then. "Yes?" Nickel murmured. "I was wonder if... if you've seen Balloon?" Suitcase took a breath mid sentence. Nickel scoffed, "No, and I know why, I don't like him obviously. What are you brain dead?" Nickel eye rolled at her, about to close the door.
"W- wait! Is Baseball in there?" She stepped her foot in front of the door to stop it from closing. "Uh." Nickel looked behind him then back at her, "No." He slammed the door on her face, she stumbled back and sighed deeply as she begun walking to the lobby, hoping to see Balloon there.
Balloon on the other hand, was far from the Hotel, the sun was beginning to set and he hadn't the even though of going back. He knocked on the door of the shed and it opened automatically, the candle and papers were gone, everything seemed to have disappeared except for the covered thing that looked untouched, it had mountains of dust piling upon itself.He hesitated before walking up to it, "Hmm..." he grabbed the cloth and yanked it off, dust getting all over his face which caused him to cough. He wiped the dust out his eyes before looking at what it was, that's why he was missing. "MePad..." Balloon whispered, about to try and turn on the screed, being stopped by and sound.
"Balloon?" Paper stumbled into the shed, he looked terrified, thinking that Ballon just destroyed MePad by the sight of them. "T- this isn't what it looks like..." Balloon turned to him, Paper stumbled back in fear.
"Paper please..."
"Traitor"Those words hit Balloon hard, he looked at his hands, at what he'd become; killing innocent objects just for his own greed? No. He was going to stop this, that's why... huh?"
His thoughts were cut off as Paper was pushed onto Balloon, both of them stumbling and falling over. "Ah. Look at that." Taco stood in front of the two, she had a strong red liquid on her fists and face. Paper screamed, terrified of her, he got up and hid behind Balloon.
"Well done Balloon!" She laughed out, "I'll let you do this one." Taco tossed the bat in front of Balloon. To which he slowly grabbed the red stained wooden bat, he then noticed Figure standing next to MePad, watching in amusement.
This was it, this was his moment. He turned to Paper, who was crying and begging on his knees, he lifted the bat above his head, hesitating to slam it down. He could feel Taco's smile behind him, a flame of fury ticked inside him as he swung the bat around.
A force cut him off guard, it was silent but all of a sudden a hiss escaped Taco's lips, turning into a manic laughter. Balloon watched as she gripped the bat that she had caught tighter in her hands, suddenly Paper ran to the door and sprinted out.
"You didn't think I wasn't expecting this? ...Pfft." She giggled, throwing the bat across the ground. "Well I- I quit!" Balloon spat at her, she eye rolled and started walking around him in circles. "I new you weren't up to it. Lucky you helped me with the first part, and the next is to get my evidence terminated... or the second option." She stopped to her table, sorting out her bow.
"And that is?" Balloon sharply turned to her. She smirked without facing him, then she turned, holding up her hand as if she were to snap it. "Why force you of course!" She snapped her finger.
All of a sudden Figure charged and pinned him down, Balloon yelped, trying to grab them; failing of course since their a spirit. Is this what it feels like, to be betrayed? I thought Figure was on my side, I though they were my friend. "GO!" Taco roared, then all of a sudden Figure disappeared, everything was fine until the pain begun.
Balloon yelled out, reaching for the air. It felt as if his skin were ripping apart, his body rotting, his vision blurred, and all you could hear was the insane laughter from Taco, who disappeared, closing the shed and locking it behind her. Balloon begged and pleaded as tears fell down his face, the pain not disappearing.
Until he finally passed out.
Paper ran through the woods, the pink sunset lowering every second, tears dropped down his face, to which he rubbed them every time, trying his best not to get soggy. "C'mon Paper... run, run, run!" He repeated to himself. Hearing multiple steps growing faster behind him, he felt as if he was just getting further for the hotel, as if he was in one of those dreams where you couldn't move.He saw the faint red light coming from the security cameras on the hotel, he screamed for someone to open the door. The sun out of existence. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! C'MON BALLOON!" Taco screamed at him, he reached his hand out for the door nob, time suddenly going in slo-mo, Taco was inches behind him, trying desperately to grab his arm.
But luck was on his side as OJ opened the door and grabbed Paper, slamming the door on Tacos face, hearing a slam from Taco hitting the door. "OJ!" Paper hugged OJ tightly, hearing OJ sigh restfully before hugging him back. "I'm so glad your okay..." OJ whispered. "I am... b- but wait Balloon isn't! I saw him and Taco I-.." Paper was cut off as Baseball nudged in.
"So Balloon is the killer here, if that's were your coming from!" Baseball furrowed his eyebrows, intimidating Paper. "N- no! I d- don't know... But I think he's in trouble! Tacos gone completely insane!" Paper stuttered, Baseballs shadow looming over him.
"GIVE HIM SPACE!" OJ roared.
Hours had past, rain was harshly hitting the window, thunder slamming the ground a phew times. Causing Balloon to help and wake up. The pain seemed to have magically disappeared, but his back was aching like hell. He used the table to lift himself up, "ugh... stupid Taco... stupid this..." He stood up, turning to face the window, he sighed and leaned his face in the cold glass."And... what did she do to me? What did Figure do!?" He roared out, sprinting to the door, he tried to open it, nothing. "She locked me in!?" He kicked the door, still nothing. When he felt out of choices he looked at MePad on the floor in the corner. He walked up to them and laid them up correctly, but they're screen wouldn't turn on.
He gazed to the glass once again, the dark sky laughing at him. "It's all up to you now Paper. Save us."
This is my biggest chapter yet!!!
Also hai guys, so I've been thinking that y'all are probably wondering who Figure really is like;"Are they a oc?"
But not really, they are an actually character in the show that will be revealed soon. So look forward to that!
Thank you for reading.
-Caramel <3
(1350 Words)

أدب الهواة(THIS BOOK IS ON HIATUS, AND IS NOT COMPLETE) Dreams. Balloon is the most hated among the objects in hotel OJ, but when someone shady gives him an offer to be accepted, he takes it... but the dreams begin to flood in, and the figures in the room wo...