31st Chapter

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"So what presents did you get?", Jun asked, to start the conversation.
"Well the boys got me this amazing portrait of this specific artist, and I am in love. I will put it right over my bed! They baked me a cake too.
Well, actually they hired someone to bake a cake in the last minute. Some dude called Lee Yong bok, I think. He was quite nice. And good to talk to. Not, that I would tell my whole life story to a stranger but he was really kind and just a good listener so we happened to have a good small-talk."

"That sounds nice. I'm glad you had a good time so far", she replied and smiled.
"Well, yes. Except that, it has been a mess. Taehyung and Jungkook are dating now."
"Oh? I mean- they have always been close to each other right?"
"Yes of course, but we are all close with each other! They had kept it a secret for- what? Weeks? Even months? I don't even know. If they would have just told me! We had to get Taehyung a fake girlfriend for the press, because Taehyung was caught kissing someone in public, who was Jungkook by the way, and we had to cover it up somehow, with telling everyone, it was his girlfriend, Yong."
"I saw that in the newspaper, yeah."
"But guess what. Yong is a very mean woman behind her mask and put Tae in some new mess which we have to get him out of, AGAIN. When they were meant to break up in public, she 'changed the script' and loudly said that he proposed to her. He still has to give an official statement to the press."
"Wow that is really-"
"I know right? And he just doesn't learn! The management and me are having our hands full, trying to get him out if the trouble and he doesn't even thank me! He had been very disrespectful too, he even said my name, without the formalities. I told him to not sit next to Jungkook, I don't know why, but he just felt the need to talk back to me and just told me, that no, he would not follow my rules because it wasn't my business! Can you believe that? This boy..", Namjoon sighed.
"That sounds like a mess, indeed."
"Yes", Namjoon said.
"But you cannot forget that they are still kids somewhere. Young adults, who want to have free spirits."

"They're like teenagers", Namjoon mumbled.
"Taehyung just doesn't understand the risk that's behind his relationship with Jungkook."
"You can't forbid them to date, Joonie."
Namjoon felt warm around his heart, as she called him that nickname.
"If they want to date people, that is fine with me.. but each other? That just complicates everything", he continued.
"Enough about me and the drama. How are you? What have you been doing lately?", he asked.

"I got fired at my job", she laughed.
"What's so funny about that?"
"It was such a crappy job and I am so glad that I didn't have to quit myself and go through the fights with my boss."
"Oh well, okay. So what are you going to do now?"
"I have this new place in mind, I even had a job interview a week ago, and I have another one tomorrow morning. But I don't know if I should take it."
"That sounds awesome! I'm so happy for you! Where is it?"
"At bighit companies.."
"Shut up. Wow! As what would you work there?"
"I don't know where I would be positioned. Maybe Makeup artist or costume designer or something similar."
Namjoon smiled widely.
"But I wasn't sure to take it. Because, I don't want you to think that I'm running after you or something. Or if I would be getting too close to you and you maybe wouldn't want that. It's just that it's really not bad money and from the information and description I already got, it would be a nice fit for me."

"Don't think about me! If that's what you want, then do it! Don't cancel that chance because of me. Even if I wouldn't be okay with you working there, I don't have any say in what you should or shouldn't do with your life! Do what makes you happy."

"Thank you. Hey, I was wondering.. do you maybe want to come back to my apartment? I can cook us dinner?"
"Yes! I would really like that! There's just a little small condition.. if it's not too much work, do you think you could maybe cook something low-fat? Because I'm on kind of on diet right now-"
"Absolutely! I can do that."

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