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That was not okay. That was so not okay. Brothers don't kiss brothers.
What did they do? That wasn't supposed to happen! And it most definitely wasn't supposed to make Jungkook feel flattered.

"Wouldn't you have?" the older asked after Jungkook didn't answer him.

Whatever Jungkook was about to say it wouldn't be anything good. So he just kept his mouth shut.

"Koo?", Tae asked again and touched Jungkooks shoulder. Jungkook jumped up from the way-to-comfortable couch and his brain paused.
"We should go to sleep", he replied and silently walked out and left Taehyung in that room lost to his thoughts.

Jungkook just had to get out of there.

Just as predicted: it got weird between the two of them.

Whenever they were alone, the room tensed up into this awkward uncomfortable atmosphere, no one ever wanted to experience and quickly one of them left before the other even had the chance of saying something.

On shows and in front of the camera it was even worse. They had to put up an act. Taehyung was glad that they had to do that though. Of course it felt unnatural but at least Jungkook had to be around him. He avoided his gaze no matter where they were. He never dared to look Taehyung in the eye. It almost seemed like he was afraid. But what would he be afraid of, Tae wondered.

As they got off stage, back into the tour bus, the rest of the members went to their cabins quickly, so did Taehyung. Their cabins were two sized mattresses, for two members to sleep on. Because they were seven and there were only three double sized cabins, Jungkook was hoping to sleep on the couch. Alone.

The couch was already taken.

Taehyung was in one of the big cabins. His face was turned to the wall so Jungkook couldn't see if he was already sleeping.
He would have enjoyed sharing a bed with Tae if it wasn't under these circumstances. He would love to be close to him, always. But he shouldn't. They were friends, brothers. In a boy band which got more views every day.

Jungkook tried to lay as far from him as possible but it didn't make him feel any better. He actually felt guilty. Damn, he didn't know what to feel.
Everything felt so bizarre.

But that night at the rooftop, where it was just Tae and him.. that had felt real. And it had felt good.
They didn't have to think about anything, they had forgotten it all. Nothing had mattered that night. Time had stopped as Tae's breath had tickled on his own lips.

But it was just a moment.

A moment of many- no. No no just a moment, Jungkook thought, just one single moment.
Why did he write that stupid song? Why did Tae immediately know that it was about him?
Well maybe because Jungkook had looked at him after he answered the questions, he thought.

Dumbass, Jungkook thought.

What did he do? He ruined everything.

Would he have accepted the kiss?

Would he?

Taehyung was right. If Jimin hadn't barged right through that door..
But what was that supposed to mean?

It wasn't a secret that Taehyung casted the most confident people under his spell.

Lots and lots of people were fascinated by his looks.

Well, he was indeed very handsome and admirable, Jungkook thought.
But he was so sweet too. And a genius as well.
It was incredibly impressive how Taehyung got all the steps of the choreography in his head after only learning the dance for 15 minutes and how he remembered every single detail of a day he had loved, so he could talk about it again and again. Or how he was able to make people feel euphoria when he showed them something he had fun doing.
Like that sliding on the ice on the rooftop.
That made Jungkook feel euphoric.
But it was just after the concert. They always felt euphoric and flashed after that. The feeling had probably just been stuck in his head already, before he found Tae goofing around in the snow.

Taehyung and Jungkook - Nothing like usWhere stories live. Discover now