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wooyoung's pov

The next two weeks Wooyoung found himself visiting the little cozy coffeeshop again and again. Every single day if he was being completely honest.
As soon as he came home after his morning lectures and classes and ate lunch he would pack his stuff and take the train to get to the café where he would work on his projects for college.
Wooyoung was a fashion major along with Hongjoong at the biggest art college in Seoul. It taught many different majors. But the ones the college was the most famous for were the photography, dance and fashion major. Each year there were thousands of applicants but only the best and most hardworking ones were being accepted.
Wooyoung loved his college. Of course it was a lot of work but he didn't mind since he was doing what he loved and he was good at it.

Right now all of the students started to prepare for the biggest project of this semester that would soon be introduced to them and start.
Wooyoung could not deny his extreme excitement. His stomach got all bubbly and weird thinking about it.
Some of the professors had already given them a few spoilers, though they had not been much help since the students were all still left clueless.
So now after his classes and in between of them he would work on the little projects professors had given them for practising or keeping them entertained, both probably.

And Wooyoung had decided that the perfect place to do that was the small shop he had visited with Yeosang. Because of multiple reasons.

Well first, the coffee, the tea, every single drink there he had tried was extremely good.
Second, he was addicted to the chocolate cake, they served in there.
And third... he also was addicted to seeing one exact special person every day. And his name was San.

The good looking pink haired boy was the sweetest person ever. Ever. He was so dreamy and perfect, Wooyoung was in awe every time he saw his face.
And every time Wooyoung talked to him or San's eyes were directed at him Wooyoung got all flustered and started panicking inside.
This guy had him all messed up.
And Wooyoung started to get fed up with it.

Wooyoung was actually a very confident person. Yeosang always said that Wooyoung was the most confident person he had ever met, though coming out of his mouth it always had a kind of negative connotation to it. Wooyoung shrugged his shoulders thinking about it. Yeosang was really introverted and usually every slight social or extroverted person annoyed the shit out of him, it was a wonder Yeosang was friends with him.
But they were best friends. They had been, for years.
Wooyoung's thoughts slowly trailed back to the actual subject he had been thinking about.

He was confident. But not when it was about certain guys he he found attractive. He got all flustered and nervous most of the times even when they were simply looking at him, it was a curse. He could not even bring out one sentence that made sense when talking to them, and if he did his voice sounded awkward and weird, just like his body language. He also would start blushing like crazy. It was so annoying and frustrating.

And when he said certain guys he absolutely meant San, he just didn't want to admit it that he was completely whipped for this cute coffee shop barista without having a proper conversation with him at least once. Wooyoung felt helpless.
And still he kept coming back to this damn coffee shop in which San was working to his surprise every single day.

Everyday he sat at the tiny table next to the window, at the same time as always and tried to work as concentrated as he could.
Or he tried to focus on the warm light of the candles on the tables or how the rain was running down the windows or how the fallen leaves kept wandering and flying around like little fairies because of the wind. Just anything else but the kind barista.

But San didn't make it easy for him. Because every single day he looked absolutely stunning. And every single day he gave him the brightest smile showing his cute dimples. And every single day Wooyoung found little purple sticky notes on his cup...

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