*✧・゚:* 19 *:・゚✧*

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wooyoung's pov

"S-san?" He stuttered confused.
"Mingi- well Yunho told me you were sick and laying in bed all day for the last few days." The older boy explained. 
"N-no, well, yes- Why?"Wooyoung desperately tried to get his words out.
"Why didn't you tell me?" San asked him with the biggest puppy eyes. He looked hurt.
Wooyoung stayed silent for a moment.
Hesitatingly he raised his hoarse voice after some seconds. "I didn't want to bother you..."
"Why would you bother me? That's ridiculous, Woo..." San meant with pure confusion in his dark eyes. 
Wooyoung searched for words.
"Also I look horrible. I haven't showered for so long now, because I don't even have the energy, I'm sure I smell terrible. I don't know, i feel embarrassed... All I'm doing is laying in bed anyways, San." He kept on explaining.
"There's nothing to be embarrassed about."
Wooyoung let out a loud cough and looked at San with teary eyes since his throat hurt so badly.
"Let's stop talking about it please... I don't have the energy."
San nodded at Wooyoung's request but held up the bag he carried.
"I brought food." San mentioned.
With that Wooyoung carefully took his hand and led him towards the kitchen.
When San sat everything down Wooyoung stood there looking all lost.
"You know you didn't have to bring anything." he meant quietly. "I know."
Wooyoung sneezed again followed by another cough.

"Did you take some medicine already?" Wooyoung nodded in response weakly. San smiled softly at him.
Wooyoung let himself fall on one of the chairs. "God, I feel so weak." he sighed.
San ruffled him through his hair to comfort him. 
"Lemme see what you bought..." Wooyoung mumbled and looked through the shopping bag.
San had bought all kinds of snacks and drinks but also vegetables and meat and everything you'd need to cook a simple but healthy dish. Which Wooyoung definitely needed. He had been living off of fast food for the whole week since the others didn't have the time to cook something which he usually did.
He looked up at San to ask him as sweet as he could. "Would you help me with cooking? pleasee?"
San gulped. "Sure, I guess..."
Wooyoung raised his eyebrow.
"I'm... I'm to be honest horrible at cooking..." He finally admitted. "I am like the clumsiest person ever, every time something happens, Seonghwa won't even let me go near the stove anymore."
"San. You literally work in a café. You earn your money with being in some sort of kitchen."
"Yeah, and you saw what happened. Also making coffee is something completely different. Though I was a horrible with that too at first..."
Wooyoung giggled at his words.

"You don't have to do much, just cut these vegetables for me, please." He asked him. San nodded hesitatingly and grabbed the knife Wooyoung gave him.
„I decided that while ur cutting all of it i'm gonna run myself a bath so i can take a quick bath when the ingredients are cooking."
„Alright." San nodded and started cutting.

Wooyoung rushed into the bathroom starting to run some water into the bathtub. And while just being away for this short amount of time it was enough time for something to happen.

Suddenly he heard loud cursing coming from the kitchen and the sound of metal falling onto the ground.
He quickly got up and ran towards the kitchen stopping in his tracks when he stood at the door.
„WHAT HAPPENED?" He yelled worried.
San looked at him with big sad puppy eyes. Wooyoung's eyes now saw the way he held his left hand and the blood coming from it.
The bloody knife was laying on the floor.
„I told you." San said.
„I told you something's going to happen. It does every single time I enter a kitchen."
„How the fuck did you manage to do this?"
San just shrugged his shoulders.
Wooyoung sighed and took the first aid kit out of the cupboard.
He gently took San's bleeding hand into his after throwing the bloody knife in the sink and held it under some cold water carefully washing the blood off.
„I guess I should've believed you." He sighed as he dried his hand.
San just nodded.
"Why didn't you be more careful?" He questioned San scoldingly.
"I was being careful... The knife's just stupid." San pouted.
"How can a knife be stupid? You know it's most of the times the fault of the person using it." Wooyoung humbled him.
When he looked up he saw his soft lips being soo pouty and Wooyoung couldn't help but chuckle at the others expression.
Though he quickly brought his attention back to his hand when San took a sharp breath.
„Does it hurt badly?" He asked.
San winced a bit but answered that it was alright.
„I think I can survive this. Maybe it'll give me a battle scar that'd be cool then everyone can see how brave I am."
Wooyoung let out his laugh again and San grinned deeply satisfied with himself since he made the other laugh.
If just Wooyoung could've seen the soft look he had in his eyes while admiring his beauty.
After San's palm got bandaged the both of them went on with making the meal together and Wooyoung paid deep attention to wether San was okay or struggling again.
Deeply he feared that the other would eventually burn his whole hand by laying it on the stove.
But all went well actually so when they finally had set the pot on the stove to cook for a while Wooyoung could go take his bath.

It felt incredibly good when the warm water touched his skin and engulfed him.
He immediately felt how his muscles relaxed and the ache in his head slowly faded. He stayed in the bathtub for a small while completely forgetting everything around him.
When he finally got out of the shower and got dressed in new clothes he walked his way back into the kitchen and was left confused as he saw that it was empty.
The pot was put away from the hot stove and stood lonely on the side.
"San?" Wooyoung asked irritatedly. "I'm in your room, Woo!" a voice yelled back.
"You're in my room?" Wooyoung mumbled more to himself than to the pink haired boy. Wooyoung slowly remembered himself that he had actually never shown the other his room. "How do you even know which one is mine ...Wait- YOURE IN MY ROOM?"
Never had he sprinted so fast than today. Within two seconds he stood at his door looking for San in panic.
And then he froze when he saw the other standing exactly where he had wanted to keep the other away from.

In silence with no expression on his face the older boy stood in front of the big purple post-it heart Wooyoung had arranged above his desk. Next to him on the table was a tray with the food they had just cooked and something to drink together with the medicine.
He watched San reaching out and gently pulling some of the corners up to read the messages under them. Wooyoung's heart dropped as he witnessed the other recognising more and more of his hand writing and drawings.

Oh my God he thinks that I'm the weirdest person ever. Why the fuck did I keep them?! Gosh, this is so embarrassing.

were just a few of the thoughts that rushed through his mind.

Suddenly San turned around and before Wooyoung could even start to explain anything he spoke.

"You kept them?"

Wooyoung nodded in silence as he felt his cheeks and ears redden. San turned back to the post it's and started reading some of them out loud.
"These are like... months old. And you literally kept them."
"Yeah, I kinda really like them, they're sweet, you know-"
Within the matter of seconds San was by his side and took his hand into his. He gently pulled him to the desk to watch them with him together.
"I hope you like chocolate cake- WAIT-" San was hit hard by the realisation.
"Yeah, that's the first one you gave me." Woo muttered trying hard to control his from embarrassment shaky voice.
And suddenly San eagerly put both of his hands on Wooyoung's hot cheeks, pushing his head carefully upwards to make him look each other in the eyes.
"Wooyoung. That is literally the cutest thing ever. You are so incredibly cute, what the hell. I could fucking kiss you right now." He blurted out without thinking about what he was saying.

Wooyoung's eyes widened in shock as his grip that he had on San's shirt tightened.
The other hadn't really listened to the words he had said and went on with staring at the wall in such awe you could nearly see the hearts in his eyes but Wooyoung...
He had gotten so flustered his face turned completely hot chilli red. And so his immediate reaction was to bury his face into the next thing close to him. Which happened to be San's chest.
Still gripping the fabric of San's shirt, so hard the his knuckles turned white he hid his face from San in the others hug. San automatically wrapped his arms around the others shoulders and laid his chin onto Wooyoung's head as he continued to read the little messages while gently stroking the others hair.

a/n: AYYY A QUICK UPDATE THIS TIME! this is my way for apologising for not uploading anything for so long. But I'm excited to show y'all how the relationship of these two evolves and there's something big coming soon for sure. So pls stay hyped and thank you to all of you for reading this story.
i can't believe 3k people read this WAHHH HDHSGSDHSH


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