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{♥3rd P.O.V♥}

[M.name] sat quietly at the table enjoying his late breakfast whilst Evie happily told their parents everything about their little adventure into the city. Mrs.[L.name] and Mr.[L.name] were enjoying their youngest's story until Evie started recounting the 'old man incident'. Retelling every detail of the interaction.

"and then bubba scolded that mean old toad, he was so cool just like a superhero!' the little girl cheered, nearly dropping the cup of chocolate milk beside her. Mr. [L.name] smiled, it was nice seeing his family like this.

"That's lovely honey but, [M.name] sweetheart can I ask you something?" Mrs. [L.name] asked, turning to face her very tired son. The brunette boy in question raised his head to face his mother.

"Can you do me a favor..." his mother started, no... the boy thought not again.

"Can you please~ go pick up some pastries for your beloved parents?" Mrs. [L.name] 'asked' her son, who was already standing up from his chair. Why do all the women in this family want me to run errands? [M.name] thought sighing at the thought of more human interaction.

"Sure, I'll go but I need mone-" [M.name] started before his mother jumped from her chair, cutting him off.

"Of course my beloved son!" She chirped grabbing her wallet from her purse and placing it in her son's satchel.

"Make sure to get some macarons, I've been dying to try them." She said pushing her son out the door.

"Have fun, stay safe, and don't be afraid to beat the life out of someone if you need to~!" with then Mrs.[L.name] slammed the door leaving her son outside.

Mr. [L.name] was taken aback by his wife's behavior.

"Hunny are you sure that's a good idea, Dash looked pretty tired." Mr. [L.name] asked, concerned about sending his tired son into a strange city. Alone.

"He'll be fine~ besides maybe he'll make a new friend. Or better yet maybe he'll meet a guy~" Mrs.[ L.name] gushed, dreaming of the day her son will bring another boy home. Mr. [L.name] raised a brow at his wife.

"Since when was [M.name] gay?" Mr.[L.name] questioned a smile everpresent. He was more surprised than anything. Mrs.[L.name] sent her husband a dumbfounded look, remembering the many, many times [M.name] brought a boy over.

"One word, Dante." Mrs.[L.name] said, a cheeky smile ever-present on her face. That name alone was enough to refresh Mr.[L.name]'s memory.

"Point taken." He said with a smile, reaching to take a drink from his coffee mug. He now understood his wife's motives. 

The couple was content with the idea of their son bringing home a boy, they wanted their son to feel comfortable. So, maybe if he was to bring home a boy or even some friends, then it would show that he's adapting.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤| 𝐀. 𝐀𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞Where stories live. Discover now