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{♥3rd P.O.V♥}

Adrien interlocked his arm with the brunettes, leading him out of the building. In his short time in Paris [M.name] had gotten used to being pulled around, though he didn't really like it. The brunette boy didn't know why he had agreed to go to a photo shoot. 'Did I really just agree to waste an hour of my time... for free food..?'

[M.name] thought for a second before sighing. 'Of course, I did...' he shakes his head a bit. He really was a slut for free food. Meanwhile, Adrien was humming a cheerful tune. He was on cloud nine. Usually, Adrien would dread going to photoshoots, but he never had a say in the matter. It was painfully boring but, this time [M.name] would be there with him.

Adrien always felt more comfortable when [M.name] was with him, besides he remembered how [M.name] saved him from being swarmed by his fans when they first met. He thought about how his brunette friend was like a second bodyguard.

'He's like the Gorilla! If Gorilla talked... and was younger and more attractive.' Adrien thought with a chuckle. [M.name] choose to ignore him. After spending some time with Nino and Adrien, he realized that sometimes it was better to ignore Adrien's weird moments.

The two exited the building, and Adrien's face lit up. He walked a little faster and [M.name] followed, assuming he knew where to go.

"Come on [N.N]!" he says, cheerful as ever. The blonde pulled the brunette over to a sleek black car, Adrien held the door open gesturing for [M.name] to get in. [M.name] rolled his eyes, but got in with Adrien getting in soon after.

"[M.name] meet Gorilla, my bodyguard! Gorilla, [M.name]!" [M.name] assumed that the 'Gorilla' was the man seated at the wheel. The brunette sent the Gorilla a silent nod, and the latter returned the gesture. As the two exchanged their silent greeting, Adrien watched, trying his best not to giggle.

Adrien leaned over and whispered something.

"You know, he could be your dad... or uncle." [M.name] glared at Adrien before gently hitting his hand. Adrien giggled. It was always fun to see [M.name] react. [M.name], who still had no idea as to what he had agreed to, turned to Adrien.

"So Blondie, how long is your shoot?" he asked, moving some of his hair away from his face. Adrien lit up, he cheerfully said.

"Usually 2-3 hours but! We're just doing a standard shoot today, so it'll be 1-2 hours. I get a break after 30 minutes while Giuseppe looks at the photos; Giuseppe's my photographer, by the way. If the shots are good, then we get to finish early." Adrien smiles innocently. To him, this seemed like a very reasonable explanation.

'I regret everything...' [M.name] thought, un-tieing his hair. Adrien took a moment to fawn over his brunette friend. 'His hair looks so soft. I wanna touch it.' the blonde thought slowly reaching toward [M.name]'s hair.

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