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{♥3rd P.O.V♥}

"SHIT!" the brunette yelled, placing his hands on his knee pads. [M.name] realized what a stupid decision he had made, so he stopped in the middle of a residential street in a moment of clarity. 'Great, now I'm lost on some random street while a cheap-ass villain is running around destroying the city.' 

He stopped for a moment thinking about his situation. 'Actually, this is better than being stuck in a small room with everyone else...' his thoughts trailed off, 'Ah fuck this, it's not worth it.' The brunette straightened abandoning his previous idea and just decided to walk around.

The brunette took his phone out of his bag, which he had decided to bring with him in a spur-of-the-moment decision, and googled the nearest convenience store. [M.name] picked the nearest store and made his way over.

It wasn't rare that [M.name] would ALMOST make a very stupid decision only to talk himself out of it a few minutes later. He wasn't the most impulsive person but, whenever he did decide to do something stupid, his rational side would talk him out of it.

'Does it say what snacks they have..? I'm hungry, should I just go home?' [M.name] thought stretching out his arms with a lazy yawn. As he reached the shop he noticed the door was open and there were some empty bags left by the door, 'I guess they ran after the first blast...' he stepped over the bags trying not to crush them. 'They've got better survival instincts than me.' The brunette walked around, grabbing whatever looked good. 

'Water, ooh cookies, and chi-...what the fuck...?'  [M.name] picked up a bag of chips labeled 'Bret's, Confit d'Oignons; au vinaigre balsamique'

'Are these, onion-flavored chips...? Weird but, when in Rome do as the Romans, or in this case do as the french...?' [M.name] shook his head a bit and grabbed the bag along with another bag of the same brand labeled as 'Poivrons Grilles Chorizo (Grilled pepper Chorizo)'

The brunette bagged his items and left about ten dollars at the register, mainly because he didn't feel like stealing. Either way [M.name] left the store and decided to go home, scrolling through his news feed for any information on what was happening.  

It was relatively peaceful despite there being a literal comic book battle going on a mile or two away. Now, most people wouldn't take a casual walk and stop at the convenience store in this type of situation but, [M.name] truly didn't have a sense of self-preservation, or to be more specific, he didn't really care.

'Should I eat these now or wait until later...' he thought stopping for a moment, his hand hovering over the bag. In his moment of pondering a familiar sound met his ears, a muffled sound, a violent shush, and the sound near silent tears. 'Shit'.

The brunette quietly followed the sound to its source until he was right outside a very small alleyway; it was a dead-end and the width of a hallway with a dumpster taking up most of the space. It was littered with trash, broken bottles, empty food containers, rotten food, and there was a strong smell of urine and alcohol. A woman and a man. 'How did I get into this situation.'

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤| 𝐀. 𝐀𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞Where stories live. Discover now