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{♥3rd P.O.V♥}





[M.name] shot out of bed, frustrated with the shrill beeping sound. He quickly searched the room only to find the electric alarm clock sitting on his suitcase. 'That cleaver little bitch-' [M.name] thought, referring to his mother who had cleverly placed the alarm a few feet away from his bed. The only way to turn off the alarm was to get up.

[M.name] groaned, he groggily dragged himself out of bed and toward the alarm. He picked it up and smashed it on the floor. The brunette boy walked out of his room and into the bathroom across the hallway, ready to shower and get ready for the day.

Fifteen minutes later [M.name] walked out back into his room with only a towel around his waist and another around his neck. After searching through his suitcase, since he had been too tired to fully unpack. He found a plain black shirt with some white text in the right-hand corner, a pair of jeans, a black belt, and a pair of sneakers. [M.name] decided to grab a silver dog tag chain, a silver watch, and a silver clip earring.

After combing through his damp hair, [M.name] grabbed the box of supplies from the night prior and put it in his bag along with his phone, some wireless headphones, his charger, and a plain notebook. The brunette boy lazily walks downstairs, still tired, and searches the fridge for something to eat. There was a half-empty coffee mug on the breakfast table, 'seems like Dad left already.' 

Mrs.[L.name] didn't really like coffee, she found it to be too bitter. He could only assume that she was still asleep, [M.name] yawned, pulling out a plastic Tupperware with a few plain croissants and a jug of orange juice. After eating, [M.name] grabbed a pen and ripped out a piece of paper from the kitchen notepad, his mother always kept a notepad in the kitchen even in their old house. He wrote a quick note explaining that he was going to school, [M.name] also left the sticky note from the night prior with the note. The brunette boy had taken a photo of the sticky note with the school's name, just to be safe.

'7:12... schools a 15-minute walk so, I should have time to speak with the principal.' [M.name] thought, grabbing his keys and walking out the door. The brunette boy googled the school name, trying to get a better understanding of the school. 'Françoise Dupont Middle School/High School..? So, it's a 6-12 school, alright. Not much information though.' [M.name] followed the phone's directions to get to school, hopefully, today would be a normal day.

After a few minutes of walking [M.name] stops at a crosswalk, waiting for the walking sign to flash. Unbeknownst to him, a familiar blonde boy was walking a few feet behind him with his friend wearing the red cap. Nino and Adrien stopped behind a much taller [M.name].

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