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{♥3rd P.O.V♥}

"Come on, dude! You give me some chips and I'll give you some cash?" Nino pleaded, grabbing onto the leg of [M.name]'s pants. The brunette boy scoffed, pulling Nino's red cap over his face, startling Nino.

"If you've got money, then buy your own chips." He chuckled, [M.name] delighted in seeing Nino's reaction. Surprise, irritation, and acceptance.

"But, I'm hungry now and class doesn't end for another 30 minutes!" He whined. [M.name] raised a brow but, nevertheless, he handed Nino the bag.

"Fine, you can have what's left," he said with a smirk. Nino's face lit up with excitement as he reached into the bag. [M.name] watched as the look of delight on Nino's face was replaced with one of disappointment. All that was left in the bag was crumbs and... disappointment.

[M.name] laughed as he watched Nino slink to the floor, curling into a tiny ball. Adrien, who had been watching, smiled a bit. '[M.name]'s so cute when he's being petty~' he thought, admiring the brunette's face for a moment.

Maybe it was the way his eyes crinkled ever so slightly when he laughed, or perhaps it was the fact that when he smiled, it was always slightly lopsided. (If you need a reference. Think of Hotch from criminal minds.) Adrien had noticed how much [M. name]'s face would change when he smiled. It made him look more attractive. '[N/n] really should smile more. It's a good look for him.' Adrien thought,' Maybe I can make him smile!' the ditzy blonde nearly squealed at the thought, pink hearts appearing behind him.

Alya rewinded the video eight-time, she watched the video in fascination.'So, cool!' she thought, watching as Ladybug purified the Akuma. Alya had taken advantage of her time and started editing a video for her blog. The Lady blog, a blog dedicated to chronicling anything and everything relating to Ladybug.

'Shoot! My finger got caught in the frame. I'll have to edit that out...' As Alya started ‌editing, something caught her eye. Her blue-haired friend seemed to be stressed about something. Alya sighed. She knew what this was about. 'Oh, Mari...you always stress over something.'

Marinette furrowed her eyebrows, glaring at [M.name]. 'Why were they like...well LIKE THAT earlier. [M.name] had to have done something!' She picked at the skin on her cuticles. She wanted to rationalize what might've happened but, she couldn't help but stress. Alya had noticed her friend's (very obvious) distress and gently tapped her friend's shoulder.

"Mari girl, you're stressing yourself out over nothing. You need to get that jealousy under control or you'll be grey at 30." Alya whispered, flicking her friend on the forehead. Mari's eyes widened before she pulled Alya closer.

"Alya! I'm not...I'm not jealous. I just don't like that weird, flirty look that [M.name] gives him!" Mari whispered, discreetly moving her head in [M.name]'s direction. "Look, he's doing it right now!" The pair looked at [M.name] who was indeed looking at Adrien but, the look was anything but flirty.

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