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{♥3rd P.O.V♥}

"How about today? Are you free today?" Adrien asked, holding his cheek with his palm. Adrien, being the person he was, had been pestering [M.name] to hang out again. Two days had passed since their little escapade on Friday. Adrien had been on high the entire weekend. So, after two days of not seeing [M.name], he was craving the company of his moody brunette friend. What could he say? [M.name] was addicting.

[M.name]; who hadn't been paying much attention; just nodded absent-mindedly. He mumbled something in Spanish, based on the tone Adrien assumed that it wasn't very positive. 'Por el Amor de Dios, that child will be the death of me.' the brunette thought, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He felt something poke his cheek, catching his attention.

"[N.N]? Is everything alright, you look spaced out." Adrien asked, resisting the temptation to play with [M.name]'s hair. [M.name] sighed. Adrien swallowed the lump in his throat. 'Did I go too far on Friday? I mean, I touched him... a lot. Did I overstep...' Adrien panicked. He hoped that wasn't the case. He was still doing his best to be better at respecting [M.name]'s boundaries.

"J-just listen, alright...?" [M.name] held his head in his hands. Adrien–though still anxious, nodded.


"EVIE WHAT THE HELL?!" he screamed, holding the shivering kitten in his hands, cradling the poor creature close to his chest. Evie looked away, laughing nervously. Her eyes were glued to the floor.

"W-Whattt? Where did that cat come from..." Evie said, feigning surprise. She tried to shuffle away. She hoped ‌she could make a break for her room. Unfortunately for her [M.name] noticed, and he gently but firmly grabbed her by the shoulder.

'Oh, sugar plums...' the small girl thought, a small sweat drop appearing on her cheek. She knew better than to anger her older brother. A pissed-off [M.name] is not one that she wants to handle. [M.name] wanted to scold her, but he could feel the small kitten shivering.

The brunette ushered his sister toward the couch. He grabbed the nearest blanket and wrapped the small creature in it. He held the poor cat close to him, hoping to warm it up. Evie was still staring at the floor. She could feel her brother's disappointed glare burning a hole into the back of her head.

"5 minutes." That was all he said. Evie looked up, confused. "You have got 5 minutes to explain how you got this cat. Go." the smaller girl nodded nervously, 'Scary...' she thought, and she had a point. The look on her brother's face was scary.

"I had to help her!" Evie cried, [M.name] raised a brow. "Why did you have to help her?" he asked. The brunette made his voice more gentle. He hated being the 'scary older brother', but he had to get an explanation before their parents got home.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤| 𝐀. 𝐀𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞Where stories live. Discover now