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{♥3rd P.O.V♥} with [Adrien]

After [M.name] had left the remaining group of four were trying to think of a plan to help Adrien in his...endeavor. At the moment they had exhausted the total of 1 brain cell that happened to belong to Nino and the half that the other 3 shared.

"Aside from straight-up stalking [M. name], I can't think of anything..." Nino said rubbing his forehead, 'i'm too tired for this shit.' he thought taking a swig of water from his plastic bottle as if it were whisky.


The sound of Adrien's head hitting the table startled the others.

"Adrien alright are you?! Gah NO, I mean are you alright!!" Marinette panicked looking over at Adrien with worry and embarrassment, Alya rolled her eyes. 'Girl, English is not your strong suit...'

"I'm fine, just..." Adrien sighed lifting up his head. A strange look was present on his features.

"am I being too pushy?" Adrien asked running his hand through his hair. Marinette and Alya shared a look while Nino just sighed. 'time to be the parent...again' Nino thought, mentally preparing himself for another round of Adrien's shenanigans.

"Yes, you are." Nino rested his head on his hand, sending Adrien a bored look. As the words left his mouth he watched the color drain from the blonde's face.

"WHAT! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Adrien whisper-shouted, nervously grabbing his water bottle and taking a swig.

"I didn't wanna say anything earlier cause' it didn't seem like a big deal but, looking back [M.name] seemed really uncomfortable when were grabbing him earlier."

Adrien started to hit his head on the table, honestly speaking he looked quite pitiful at that moment. Nino just shook his head and gently patted his friend's shoulder. 'He needed to hear it.'

Marinette furrowed her eyebrows. 'Isn't Nino being a bit too harsh? Adrien didn't even do anything wrong! Besides even if he did it wasn't intentional...' Mari thought, she took a silent breath, closed her eyes, and smiled nervously.

"Aw come on Nino that's just how it is here. Everyone is...just friendlier in Paris!" Mari said scratching the back of her head, hoping to help Adrien feel a bit better. Nino tapped his index finger on the table, he could feel himself grow irritated. 'This bitch-...' he took a breath 'calm down. She's just a bit...ignorant.'

"Marinette. You do understand that there are people that don't like being touched right? The dude even said he didn't like it." Alya looked between her three friends. Nino had a good argument. To them being overly friendly was like second nature, it was seen as being friendly and polite anything lesser was seen as being antisocial or frigid. So, they never thought twice about hugging a stranger or being a tad bit too friendly.

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐤| 𝐀. 𝐀𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞Where stories live. Discover now