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{♥3rd P.O.V♥}

"We're here!" Marinette interrupted, causing the group to stop. [M.name] recognized the building. 'Oh, it's that bakery. Maybe I can snag some food or something,' he thought, ignoring the fact that Adrien was still clinging to his arm.

The four teens entered the bakery. They followed Marinette as she went to guide them upstairs into the apartment section of the business above the quaint bakery. [M.name] silently prayed that he wouldn't encounter the overly friendly baker he had met previously.

Unfortunately, [M.name]'s prayer was reviewed and denied because a few seconds later the aforementioned baker appeared. The taller boy muttered a silent curse, only audible to Adrien, who was still holding onto [M.name]'s arm. The blonde was truly shameless.

"Welcome to Tom an-...Oh! Sorry sweetheart, I thought you were a customer." He said with a warm smile. Tom, being the friendly man he was, knew that he should greet his beloved daughter's friends.

"Oh hello, Alya! It's wonderful to see you again." He greeted the familiar girl, turning to greet the two other people standing behind him.

"I don't think I've met you two before..." Tom trailed off. He went silent for a minute before an excited smile adorned his features. He walked over to the pair of boys and enveloped [M.name] into a tight hug. Adrien was quick enough to let go before he was crushed from the sidelines.

Poor [M.name] felt the air escape his lungs.

"Let...go...please." The brunette boy said through strained politeness. As much as he wanted to curse the taller man out, he decided against it. Tom, being an empath, sensed the boy's discomfort and let go.

"Sorry about that. Guess you're not a big hugger." The older man apologized, a bashful smile never leaving his face. [M.name] glared at Tom for a brief moment. 'Stop acting like a schoolgirl, you're like 36.' he thought quickly, looking away. Meanwhile, the three teens stood in a shared sense of confusion.

"Looks like I was right though huh?" Tom said proudly, nudging the taller boy with his arm, ignoring the fact that [M.name] was glaring daggers into his soul–whether that be by choice or from plain ignorance [M.name] couldn't tell you.

"O-oh, do you know him, dad?" Mari asked, even if she knew the answer. Tom nodded, placing an arm on the slightly shorter teen boy, much to the teen's displeasure.

"Yup! Your friend came in last week and bought a few things. When I saw him, I just knew you two would be great friends! And it looks like I was right." Tom said cheerfully, again not noticing the younger boy's very obvious discomfort. Adrien and Alya were a bit amused at their tall friend's struggle for two different reasons. Alya had to go through a similar ordeal when she met her best friend's father for the first time.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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