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{♥3rd P.O.V♥}

"[M.NAME] SLOW DOWN, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE THE CAFETERIA IS!" Adrien shouted, running up to [M. name], who was still speedwalking away.

"I would rather be lost than have you invade my personal space... Again. " [M. name] said, stopping abruptly so that Marinette, Alya, and Nino could catch up. Adrien made a shocked expression.

"Aw come on it wasn't that bad..." Adrien said with a pout, clutching [M.name]'s sleeve. 'Why is he so...whiny?' the brunette thought scrunching his nose in irritation. [M.name] ripped his arm away and walked toward Nino using him as a human meat shield. 

"Is he usually this...clingy?" He asked raising his eyebrow, spending Adrien a suspicious glance. Nino just shook his head, Adrien gasped in fake hurt. The boy was happy to be getting close with [M.name] though he did feel a bit annoyed to see the brunette clinging to Nino. 'I want [M. name] hugs too...' Adrien thought, for clarification [M.name] was towering over behind Nino gently holding him by the shoulders.

"Aw no fair, I want hugs too~" Adrien groaned reaching out to hug Nino but, more importantly [M.name]. The brunette keeps Adrien away by holding him by the forehead. Nino just shook his head.

"Hey, Alya...do you think that Adrien is acting weird?" Marinette asked gently pulling on her best friend's shirt, "I'm a little worried about him, he's usually not like this." Alya just sighed.

"He's fine Mari, Adrien's kind of like a puppy. He gets really excited about new things and this is new to him. Let him have his fun." Alya said rubbing Marinette's back, leading her toward the trio who were still bickering.

'Yeah, Alya's right I'm worrying over nothing.' Marinette thought, shaking her head slightly . 'Yeah, nothing to worry about...' The bluenette snapped away from her thoughts at the sound of what sounded like someone speaking in very aggressive spanish.

"¡Pedazo de mierda, solo lo diré una vez! ¡Aléjate de mí, loco hijo de puta!" (Translation: You piece of shit, I'll only say it once! Get away from me, you crazy son of a bitch!) [M.name] yelled, running away from Adrien and Nino who were now both trying to hug him. 'Why does no one in Paris respect my personal space!' [M.name] thought silently crying on the inside.

Again the sudden change of volume in the brunette's voice startled Nino and Adrien but, they didn't stop running. Marinette and Alya shared a glance.

"Should we help him?" Alya asked, looking at [M.name]. Marinette just nodded, the girls walked over to the boys. Alya grabbed Adrien for obvious reasons while Marinette grabbed Nino leaving an irritated and frazzled [M.name] trying to escape.

"I.Regret.Everything." He said between breaths, [M.name] was catching his breath but, he felt irritated again. 'I should start going to the gym again...' he thought stretching again. Nino giggled a bit, he was just happy to have another sane person around to be the target of Adrien's mental breaks.

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