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LANA'S EYES FLUTTERED OPEN and she was met with the fluorescent lights built into the ceiling of the time ship. Instinctively, she squinted under the radiant lighting. She could feel the cold of the metal flooring seeping into the thin fabric of her sweatshirt as she lay on the ground.

"Ow," Lana hissed and she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Her head was pounding and felt as if she had been beaten upside her skull. Her posture suddenly became rigid when she felt the presence of another. Lana quickly turned to face the intruder to find the callous eyes of her father standing in the entryway of the brig.

Leonard Snart studied the girl carefully and without shame. He didn't trust her—he couldn't. If there was one good thing he learned from his father it was to never be too trusting. He always told him, "You could never trust your right hand 'cause it could cut off your left." Of course, when he was younger Leonard thought he was crazy. Granted, he was a complete lunatic, but he made a valid point. Even those close to you, no matter how innocent they may appear, given the circumstances could betray you. She may be a child, but so was he when he began heading down the path of crime.

The longer he analyzed the brunette the more he grew uncomfortable with the sense of familiarity she evoked within him. There was something oddly and eerily familiar about her. It was her blue eyes. Leonard straightened up as she gazed back at him challengingly. He reached for his earpiece. "The criminals awake."

Lana scoffed at his choice of words. She rose to her feet confidently. She wasn't a criminal and she wasn't going to be seen as if she was guilty of anything. "Criminal, huh? You're one to talk," she fired back, although, she immediately regretted it. Now, he might believe that she was an actual threat. Leonard simply smirked before the other Legends joined them.

"We don't know that she's a criminal," Evelyn scolded Leonard the moment she walked into the room. "We don't know anything about her"

"Exactly," Sara Lance interjected. "We don't know anything about her which means we can't rule out that she's working for them."

Lana then decided that if she was gonna have any shot of getting out of there, she would need them to trust her. Whether she liked it or not, they were her only hope of getting back to the future. This meant that she would have to earn their trust which required her to open up to them about who she was. Well, she was gonna be open to an extent. They couldn't know exactly who she was—it could disrupt the timeline and then both her mother and Sara would kill her.

𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄| 𝐋𝐎𝐓 (𝟐)Where stories live. Discover now