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LANA FELT UNCOMFORTABLE from her place beside her mother. She occupied the chair beside Evelyn who sat there radiating beauty without even trying. Lana found it intimidating how effortlessly beautiful her mother was both inside and out. Evelyn would occasionally glance back at her and smile gracefully. Lana had followed Rip back to the bridge where the team gathered minus Ray, Stein, and Kendra. He informed the crew of their new alliance which gained mixed reactions. Evelyn and Jax were all for it and welcomed her with open arms. Sara was indifferent whereas Snart and Mick weren't so thrilled. None of them seemed to object which was a start but she knew better than to believe they weren't still cautious of her. She had to be careful going forward.

Lana studied everyone discreetly as Captain Hunter caught them up on Kendra's latest status. "Pieces of the dagger have apparently broken off and are, as we speak, en route to her heart."

"Can't we just time jump into the future where they got the stuff that can fix her?" Jax asked perplexed by the idea of them being completely out of options to save Kendra.

"This ship is from that very same future and has, thus far, been unsuccessful in saving her," Rip explained in frustration more so with their circumstances rather than Jax.

"Kendra wouldn't survive the jump anyway," added Snart from his place beside Evelyn. He sat down on the floor beside her boots. The team looked at him in surprise except Evelyn who smiled fondly. "I pay attention."

Lana was startled by Mick who began to pace out of impatience. "To sum up, Carter Hall is dead, the girlfriend's not too far behind, Vandal Savage is sitting pretty in 1975, which we're all stuck in." He paused momentarily. "That how the plan supposed to work, Rip?"

"Obviously, not but the mission is simple," he snapped. "We stop Vandal Savage here in the past and we save the future."

"Simple don't mean easy, Captain," Snart replied.

Rip let out an empty chuckle. "Oh, I never said it was. The benefit of being a Time Master is that the length and breadth of history gives one...perspective." He paused. "I've seen darker days. I've seen men of steel die and dark knights fall, and even then I accomplished my mission no matter what."

The tension in the room was thick shortly before the Brit spoke to the A.I. "Gideon, what is our status?"

"When the Waverider was attacked by Chronos, the jumpship was damaged. Unless you make repairs, we will be unable to..."

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