Chapter 2- Reki's POV.

"What the hell? How does that make any sense?" I cry.

"Reki, we've written one sentence that relates to a topic we learnt two weeks ago." Langa tells me gently from the other end of the line.

I bury my face in my hands. I don't understand school. Never have. Probably never will. Langa is the only reason I'm not failing every topic, and I'm eternally thankful for that.

"Aren't you supposed to be writing me an essay?" I complain loudly, resting my head next to my phone as I talk into it.

"No. I'm helping you with your assignment." 

"I will throw my phone out of the window." 

"Then you'll fail. Hang up on me and you fail this topic." He replies matter-of-factly.

"Okay," I say, smirking, "how do you write?"

"Reki Kyan, ask one more dumb question and I'll clock you with your skateboard."

"Geez, okay!" I laugh, "Just help me with this paragraph and I think I'll get it."

I don't get it after the paragraph, and after two very long and awfully tiring hours of pointless writing, I finish my essay.

"I think I killed all my brain cells." I say.

"Bold of you to assume that you had any brain cells to begin with."

"Oi! That's rude..."

"Reki! Sweetheart, come get some dinner!" My mother says cheerily, leaning against my door frame.

"Oh, okay." I say, picking up my phone again and saying a quick "Bye, Langa." before Mum can snatch the device from my hand, but it's too late.

"Langa, honey! Hi!" She exclaims.

"Hi, Masae..." Langa laughs. I slap my palm to my forehead at my mother's eagerness to talk to my best friend. It's so embarrassing.

"Come over here again soon!" Mum instructs Langa.

"Alright, I will."

As the phone is eventually passed back to me and I say goodbye to Langa again, I prepare myself for the standard chat from Mum.

"You should invite Langa over more often!"

"Why?" I groan.

"Because whenever I see you two together you act like you're married to him!" My sister interjects as she walks past my bedroom door.

"What?" I snap.

"Don't be rude," Mum says, before turning back to me and adding, "she is kind of right, though."

"I don't need to hear this."

"You're blushing, Reki!" Mum taunts.

"What's your point?"

"I can tell you've got a thing for that boy, son. I was a teenager once too."

"Ugh. No, please just drop it, would you?"

I hate the line "I was a teenager once, too", it's just... gross. Thinking of your own parent dating someone!

"Fine! But I'm right!" She scoffs.

"You're really not." I lie, trying very hard not to let my face turn red and my eyes light up at the mention of the subject. Langa... 

"SHE REALLY IS!" My younger sister shouts.

"SHUT UP, KOYOMI!" I yell, running into the kitchen and chasing her around the table a few times. Eventually I catch and tackle her, tickling her all over.

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