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Chapter 20- Reki's POV:

I cannot wipe the obnoxiously overjoyed grin off my face as Langa and I spend the rest of the day together. Neither of us have any idea of how to go on a date, so we just hang around our favourite places. The park. Then the milk bar, where we get ice cream and we talk like we're still best friends, but it's better because we're holding hands and we're looking at each other with starry eyes and it's... wow. We kiss again. I love it. It's amazing.

"So, show me how you've mastered that trick!" I beam as we enter the skate park through it's high wired gate.

"Sure!" Langa says, and I watch proudly as he executes the trick perfectly, smiling like a crazy person as I clap for him afterwards.

"Thank you," he sighs, clearly imitating the fake speech I performed 2 months ago after demonstrating the skill, "I'd like to thank all the little people who have always been there for me. My parents, and my friends... and I think that's everyone!"

"Noooo, you forgot me!" I gasp in mock offence.

"Oh, yeah right," he smiles mischievously, making his way over to where I'm standing, "and Reki. I'll always have something to thank Reki for."

"Are we going to go to The Warehouse tomorrow?" I ask on the walk back to my house.

"Yeah, if you want!" Langa replies, before hesitantly adding to his statement, "You know, I wasn't going to go if you weren't."

"What? Why?"

"Because. I just wouldn't have. If we weren't friends again by Friday I wouldn't have gone this week. Or the week after. Or the one after that, and on and on... skating's more fun when it's with you."

I get nervous again as I hear this kind compliment, so I look away, staring at the footpath leading along the side of my street.

"That's sweet..." I tell him, "thank you..."

"You get flustered so easily!" Langa teases.

"Shut up! I do not!" I lie, covering my blush with my hands.

"Yes you do!" He says mockingly, getting closer to me so I'll blush more, "You really do!"


"Do I make you nervous, Reki?"

"Very funny!" I yelp, dodging another attack hug as he chases me around my front garden.

"Well, do I?"

"Yes! Now stop doing that before I scream!"

He laughs at my flushed complexion, appearing to be satisfied with making me squirm.

"You're adorable."

"I told you to stop that, Langa!" I laugh, beating him to the doorstep.

"Well you are!"

"Are you two alright there, then?" 

Koyomi is standing in the doorway. The realization hits me far too late.

"Oh. Hi, sis." I squeak.

"Hi," she says suspiciously, "you two made up quickly."

"Um, yeah." Langa says slowly.

Koyomi narrows her honey brown eyes at him, like she's scanning him.

"Wanna come inside?"

"No, we're fine!" I say quickly.

"You are bright red right now. What did you say to him, Langa?" My pesky relative smiles evilly.

"Koyomi! What are you doing? Shut the door, would you!" I hear my mother's voice calling out.

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