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Chapter 11- Langa's POV:

As I skate home, my phone rings and I don't really know how to feel as I see the caller ID.

"Hi, Kaiyo."

"Langa, hey!" He says cheerfully, "I was wondering if maybe we could meet up today? For that tutoring we discussed?"

I had almost completely forgotten about my offer to help him out with schoolwork.

"Yeah." I reply, hoping to get this over and done with, "When and where?"

"Well, I'm at the library at the moment. Does it suit you to come over here?"

"Sure?" I say, confused by the certain edge on his voice. He sounds irritated at me.

"Thanks! See you soon!"

As I head to the library, I remember Reki's clear opinion on Kaiyo. It sort of seems like he doesn't like him, so part of me feels like I'm betraying Reki by offering to help the black-haired boy. I have a hard time saying no to things.

"Hiya!" The ravenette smiles as I walk through the glass double doors of the town library. He has a few books and his clothes are trendy and fashionable. I've never seen him outside of school, he looks like a different person. More relaxed and like he'd be more talkative, and he's wearing a chain around his neck as well as subtle eyeliner.

"Hey..." I say slowly. He looks way too dressed up for a trip to the library.

We sit down at a table and start flicking through the history textbook. I give Kaiyo some study tips and we do some revision questions, focusing on the subjects we learned most recently so he's caught up with essential things our class was taught last term.

I feel his eyes on me as I explain a timeline and try to ignore the gaze he's sending my way. After a minute or so, I can't.

"Is something wrong?" I ask harshly, making eye contact with him.

"Nah, I was just wondering about something." He replies, shrugging but not letting his eyes leave mine.

"About the medieval Europe timeline?" I inquire, assuming he's referring to the subject I'm explaining as I start pointing things out, "I get it if you're confused, I was too, but this..."

"No, something about you."

"Oh. Me?"

He nods. He looks inquisitive, mixed in with something else. I can't figure out the emotion he's trying to express with those pale violet eyes narrowed slightly...

"Yeah, you. I feel like I don't know you that well." Kaiyo says, leaning back in the seat so that it's balancing on its back legs, his arms crossed.

"Um, okay? What do you want to know?"


"Er, I moved here from Canada last year. I live with my mum. I love skating, and food, and school is alright, I guess?" I reply slowly.

"Are you dating Reki?"

This question pisses me off.

"You know, if that was what you wanted to know you could've just asked me." I snap.

"No, that's not what I meant!" He says hurriedly, "I'm sorry, I just, wanted your advice..."

"I'm already teaching you history," I say hesitantly, "what else would you want my advice on?"


"What about him?" I growl, worried he's about to start bitching about my best friend. Not that I'm sure he would, I'm just extremely unsure of what he's about to say.

"I, um, kind of have a crush on him?"

"What?!" I yelp in surprise, accidentally knocking the textbook off the side of the table.

"Is that not okay?" Kaiyo asks as I lean over to pick the book up off the floor.

"Yeah, yeah, of course," I lie, "I just didn't expect it..."

"Why not? I was worried I was making it too obvious."

"No," I say, shocked, "actually, I kind of thought that you two didn't really like each other."

"Well, you thought wrong..."

So that's why those two seem so stand-offish toward one another.

The horrible realization that Reki probably feels the same way hits me like a ton of bricks.

"Sorry, this is just a lot to process..." I mutter, running my hand through my hair.

"It's fine. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it." Kaiyo says, placing his hand on my shoulder.

The only thing in my head is the thought of Reki and Kaiyo. Now I get it. Why they always act off around each other, why they exchange glances so often...

I hate it...

"I'm glad you mentioned it, don't worry about it, please. What did you want advice on, exactly?" I say, plastering a fake happy expression on my face.

"Well, I kind of wanted to ask him out."

"Oh. That's... a big step..."

I cannot believe I'm giving love advice to someone I would quite like to punch...

"You know him pretty well, so do you have any idea of how I should ask?"

My heart breaks a little bit with every word he speaks.

Reki. My Reki. Of all the people in the entire universe for someone Kaiyo to like, it had to be my Reki...

"I don't really know, sorry." I say. I can't tell him how to ask Reki out. It's too hard. I had dreamt of myself doing the same thing for nearly a year. I should've done so earlier, even though the chances of Reki saying yes to me are non-existent. I thought maybe he'd say yes... he doesn't object to pretending... but we've only ever been pretending, anyway...

"It's fine. Please don't mention this to him." Kaiyo says.

"Yeah, I won't."

We walk outside together, and I pick my skateboard up from where I left it next to the bike racks.

I skate down the ramp instead of walking down the stairs and I notice the amazed expression on Kaiyo's face.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

"My friend taught me." I say, not specifying who "my friend" is. I can't hear him say something else about Reki...

"That's so cool. Can you teach me sometime?"

"Maybe, if you want." I say.

Damn it. Why do I keep agreeing to do this guy favours when he's so annoying? Probably because the entire reason why I'm angry at him is the shallowest thing in the world.

"Cool! See you, Langa!" He waves.

"Wait, Kaiyo!" I call after him, wanting to kick myself.


"Just, if you do end up asking Reki to go out with you..." I mutter.

"I probably will..."

This statement psychically hurts me, but I take a deep breath.

"I just need to ask you a favour," I say, trying to seem like it doesn't bother me, "promise me one thing." 

He nods, looking curious.

"If Reki says yes, you better spend every single day of however long you two are together making him happy." I tell him, fighting back tears.

Only when Kaiyo has agreed and I'm out of his sight do I let them fall.

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