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Chapter 10- Reki's POV:

I wake up late to find myself with my arms around Langa, who is still sleeping. I snuggle closer to him, wishing that time would just stop and I could lie here forever.

My phone buzzes from the bedside table and I pick it up carefully as to make sure I don't wake Langa up.

Koyomi♡: Hope you and ur bf are having a good time being adorable but you need to be home by 12pm today because Mum isn't feeling well and I can't look after the devils by myself

I reply with on "okay", and view the second new message, which is the one that was only just sent.


Sighing, I open the camera app, turning it to front camera and pressing the button, capturing a sleeping Langa and my arm around him. I send the photo to Joe, who replies within 30 seconds.

Joe: I will promptly be showing this to everyone I know!

Me: Do not. Shut up, now.

Joe: How'd you sleep?

Me: Fine

Joe: Fine. Enjoy your morning lovebirds ;)

I throw the device onto the carpet and return to hugging Langa. I freak out as he moves closer to me, nuzzling my shoulder and holding onto me slightly tighter.

"Good morning." He mutters, not moving.

"Good morning. Are you warm enough?" I pull the blanket further up over us.

Langa hums in response and I rub circles into his back.

"I have to be home by twelve..." I say.

"Okay. Why?"

"Mum isn't feeling great and Koyomi needs help looking after our sisters."

"Is your mum alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, she just has a shitty immune system. Bad timing, though."

"Why? 'Cause you want to spend all day here?" Langa teases.

"Shut up." I giggle. He's right, though.

We lie there for ages, but it feels like a minute to me. I look at the clock on the bedside table and groan as I see it's nearly 11.30. Where'd the time vanish to? When I shut my eyes it was 10am...

"I better get going..." I mutter, reluctantly letting go of Langa and sitting up.

"I'll come with you."

The silence that follows is awkward.

"We never speak of this." I say, smiling despite the fact that it breaks me to think we're only pretending.

"Yep. Never." Langa agrees hurriedly.

We wander downstairs, where Nanako is sitting at the table, doing some sort of paperwork.

"Thanks for having me!" I say.

"I'll be back later." Langa says, hugging his mother goodbye.

"Wait, eat something before you leave..."

"Mum, we have to go, come on!" Langa sighs.

"At least eat." Nanako says sternly, pushing two apples into her son's hands.

I thank her again for having me over and she tells me again how great it was to meet me. I like her, she's nice. We get outside eventually, taking bites out of the apples that we were told to eat as we skate.

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