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Chapter 18- Reki's POV:

I pull myself forward and grab hold of my own feet with my right hand, stretching my legs as the doctor directed. I feel the muscles in my calves and lower back tighten and I get up to do the instructed standing stretches.

The exercises hurt slightly but I do them anyway. One month without doing everything that I love doing; skating, sport, running, has been enough for me, and I'm not making it even longer by not exercising. Two more days. Two more days and I can skate again...

Caught up in these thoughts, I push myself too far and my back cracks loudly, a shot of pain accompanying the horrible sound. I yelp and let my upper body sink to the floor, lying still on the carpet. That was so stupid. Why can't I just focus on one thing at a time...

I stay still until the pain ceases a bit before trying to stand up again. My spine feels tight. I can't move properly.

Grimacing, and wishing I hadn't told my family it was fine to go out without me, I shift so I can reach my phone, which I left on the chair.

You know he's the only person you can call. I think.

Just dial the damn number. If he doesn't want to talk to you so be it.

My phone rings. I doubt I'll get any answer, though...


"Hey, Langa," I say slowly, "it's me."

"Hi Reki." He sighs. He sounds like he's in more pain than me.

"Look, I'm sorry to ask for a favour, but would you come over?"

"Why, what's wrong?"

"Nobody's home and I just kind of hurt myself again..." I explain guiltily, thinking of how rude I am to call someone I haven't spoken to in weeks.

"Oh my god, are you okay?"

"I think so. I'm sorry, I didn't know who else to call. You don't have to... I'm not trying to guilt you or anything... ah, shit, Langa, I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. I'll be there soon."

He hangs up abruptly and I groan angrily, wishing I hadn't ruined things between us.

I'm starting to head into an existential crisis when I hear tapping on the front door, followed by words.

"Reki? You there?"

"You got here fast! The door's unlocked..."

Langa opens my door, eyes shocked as he sees me lying on the ground. He looks sad, and his features turn even more so as he walks over and kneels down to help me up.

"Hey." I say awkwardly.

"Let me help you..." He mutters, placing one arm around my shoulder and one on the arm that isn't in a cast.

"Thanks..." I reply quietly, returning to a standing position with his help, the stiffness and pain in my spinal cord protesting.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

"I was trying to do exercises. That was the last one, plus I need to go on a walk..."

"Well, I don't think that went as planned."

"What gave it away?" I scoff sarcastically.

We stand there in silence, which really only lasts a few seconds, but feels like an eternity.

I sit down on the floor again to try and stretch the stiffness out. I attempt the reaching stretch again, not being able to touch my feet.

I feel myself blushing as Langa pushes me forward slightly, gently leaning on me so I'll be able to do it. Slowly, the pain ceases.

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