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Chapter 12- Reki's POV:

It's a regular Friday afternoon, and Langa and I are heading to the restaurant when I get an excited phone call.

I don't recognize the number, but as I pick it up I hear the very familiar and awfully ecstatic voice of Shadow.


Langa, who is sitting beside me on a park bench, looks alarmed.

"We're skating most nights...?" I say, confused.


"Really!? When do we have to be there?" I ask. Langa is already scrambling to his feet at hearing these words emitted from my phone.

"Get your asses down here right now!"

Shadow screams the address into my ear and Langa and I speed down the path, way too excited.

"S races were held in the middle of the night, why are we going to this new track now?" Langa asks me.

"Apparently everyone's just sussing it out to see if it's okay."

"Twilight beefs? That might be dangerous..."

I smile to myself as we skate. I wonder what this new place will be like.

I get my answer as we sight a large crowd gathered around and inside an abandoned warehouse. Smooth dirt tracks have been dug out around the place and I can see them leading over a hill, upon which is some kind of old, beaten up warehouse, covered in graffiti. The place isn't entirely perfect, but the music is loud, and the skaters are in glitter, which makes it almost perfect.

Looking around, I see a few familiar faces from the regular gang that hung out at S.

"This is so cool!" Langa yells at me, barely audible through the loud talk and yelling of others.

"Yeah!" I yell back, "Where's Shadow and everyone else?"

We look around for a while until we find our friends gathered by the sidelines. Shadow, of course, looks absolutely enthralled. Joe and Cherry look quite interested in this new environment, while Miya quite simply looks bored. I never thought I'd be so thrilled to see Cherry with his mask on and Shadow with his face painted in that way that he thinks is threatening.

"This is cool." I say.

"Yep!" Shadow cackles, "And the first thing I'm doing is challenging you to a beef, Reki Kyan!"

"Oh, you are so on!" I grin, looking at my rival excitedly.

There have already been a few races, so we're not the first people to skate on the track but I still can't contain my excitement as the familiar countdown sounds and the siren blares.

We skate fast, speeding down the smooth road as the crowd cheers. The pathway leads into the warehouse, which, as we enter, I see is decorated immaculately with neon lights bearing harsh retro designs, and strobe lighting of all colours.

"This is frickin' amazing!" I scream.

"I know!" Shadow shouts back.

It feels incredible to be skating competitively, it's like I was asleep and now I've woken up.

We speed over the ramps and along the high wide beams in the warehouse and end up outside, where I'm quick to find out that there are heaps of jumps. I fall as I clear one of them, but I get straight back up in my determination to win this beef.

The finish line, illuminated dramatically by bright lights, looms slightly ahead, and I cross it in a rush of adrenaline, Shadow just behind me, and the rest of the group waiting for us there.

I jump off the board excitedly, throwing my arms around Langa, who is cheering for us so loudly, his vocal chords are probably at risk of snapping.

"WE'RE BACK, BABY!" I yell, way too happy that I just skated against someone else for the first time in months.

"You won!" He laughs, pulling my headband down so that it is sitting properly and ruffling my hair, his hands cupping my excited face.

"Good race, kid." Shadow sighs, smiling.

"Yep! I'll beat your ass every time!" I promise him, and Joe starts laughing.

"Don't get cocky, slime boy," Miya scowls, "you're not unbeatable."

"Oh yeah? Fight me!"

The rest of the evening is filled with countless beefs and a lot of excited screaming.

As the six of us walk unsteadily from the warehouse, we decide it's probably better to not cook tonight, and we end up at the pizza place opposite the gas station.

"So, what's everyone's thoughts on the new place?" Joe asks, picking up a slice of the cheese layered delicacy.

"Pretty cool!" Langa says, also digging into the warm food.

"Not as good as S," Cherry says, "but whoever set it up did a pretty good job with it."

"It was alright." Says a dismissive Miya, who is eating salad instead of pizza.

"Y'know you love us!" Shadow says, putting an arm around the health driven boy.

"On a different topic," Joe says, "Reki, Langa, you've only got one week left of dating each other. Better make it count."

"What more are we supposed to do?" I ask, my mouth stuffed full of pizza.

"I know, Langa, why don't you teach this fireball some manners?" Cherry says, appalled by how much food I can fit in my mouth.

"Do you have some weird challenge for us this week?" I ask.

"Eh. Just continue being adorable, would ya? If you come up with some idea of your own, I'll be eternally grateful!"

"You really are an imbecile, you know that?" Cherry says, smiling slightly as he looks at Joe.

"Oh come on, you two are being even more obvious than Langa and Reki!" Shadow cries. 

"Yeah, it has kind of seemed like something is different between you two for the past three weeks." Reki observes.

Joe and Cherry turn redder than the pizza sauce. Suspicious. 

"Indeed," Shadow says in a fake news reporter voice, using a discarded straw as a microphone, "Tell me, what is it like to live with your boyfriend?"

The two roll their eyes.

"We're not-" Cherry begins.

"Hell." Joe answers.

"Woah, get exposed!" Miya giggles.

Joe and Cherry look at each other, clearly panicked that Joe just exposed them as dating. As if we all didn't know that already.

"I'm kidding, of course," the exposer laughs nervously, "we're not... what I mean is, er..."

He turns to Cherry, exasperated.

"Wanna help me out here?"

"No, I find pleasure in your humiliation. Besides, I wouldn't date you for a thousand dollars."

"Exactly- wait, hey!"

Cherry starts laughing at embarrassing his house mate even further.

"Kiss me right now and I'll prove you wrong!" Joe snaps.

"No, I'm fine, thanks."

"Seriously! I've never been more insulted in my lifetime!"

We sit quietly and listen to Joe and Cherry bickering with each other for a few moments.

Miya sighs and looks at Langa and I quizzically.

"Homo sapiens are useless. Discuss." 

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