Quick Things (A/N)

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Hi! I'm TheLittleWriter, this is my first story. I will do mostly to almost only x Reader story's, because I feel like there's not many. I also thank you for choosing to read this book.

English is not my first language, it's Spanish so please consider that when helping my story. I do appreciate you helping my story (corrections, constructive criticism, and anything else).

I will update all my story's every day at least, I also have a small rule for when requesting. When you request a story please request ahead of time, meaning I like to write my story's first and complete them then publish them "slowly". So this way you guys don't have to wait till I finish the story and don't have to wait that much for it to be officially complete. This also helps because if I get sick (which happens often) or any other reason you don't have to wait longer, their already written and ready to post.

Another thing is I will never discontinue story's. I start a story if I feel interested and put much effort into it. So I see no point in posting a story and ruining peoples expectations by saying discontinued. Also it takes time and effort to write a story, so I see no point. But I respect and understand the people who do discontinue, I just promised myself not too.

Last thing (I know I'm getting annoying) please don't copy my ideas, at least the new scenes, characters or anything new that is added. If you would like to borrow just ask (I'll most likely say yes as long as you give credit!)

Disney characters or anything else used are not mine, and Y/n is you so also not mine. I will place a little note when the story is mine or comes from my head I guess.

I hope you enjoy the story as much as I did writing it!

Quick Helps (In case you don't know):

-Y/n: Is your name 

-Y/l/n: Is your last name

(I think that's all, if not send me a comment!)

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