Family Reunions

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The guard pushed me forward a few feet in front of the boys. The other guards made their way to Dash and Victor, and held their hands back. I moved my hands a bit, but the guard held my hands into a tighter grip. Victor looked at me panicked, and Dash looked like he wanted to run as fast as possible, but didn't because of not want to leave us behind. Both boys looked at me confused as I smirked at them, I indicated them to look up and as they looked the cloud began to darken and thunder roared loudly. I kicked some dirt to catch their attention and quietly began to count down.



-"1" I whispered and lightning bolts came down and struck all four guards simultaneously, as they fell back I looked up and swished my hands upwards clearing the sky. I looked down and I was engulfed in a tight hug, afterwards we began to walk to look for Helen and Bob.

As we walked I heard some rustling coming from the bushes, I walked away from the boys to see what it was and a guard jumped out ready to pull the trigger on the gun. I tried to fight him off and was able to kick the gun out of his hand until he punched forward, landing a perfect punch that threw me into the ground.

As I tried to get hold of my left side that he had punched at he had already gotten the gun and was pulling the trigger. I closed my eyes but the bullet never hit. I slowly opened my eyes a bit and saw Victor in front of me with a force field around us as Dash punched the guard unconscious.

-"Y-you did it!" I said, hugging Victor tightly.

-"How?" I asked, touching the force field that was a transperent purple.

-"I-I don't know?"

-"Well, good job! Now let's go and look for your parents!"

We all decided it was best to run to save time, and find the facility faster. As we sped up faster we ran into some metal saucers, but Victor has deflected them off with his force fields. We ran even faster just in case the guards weren't dead yet, we ended up running into...their parents.

-"Mom! Dad! Hey!" Victor cheers, happy to see his parents once more.

-"Kids!" Helen replied and wrapped them in a big hug.

As they wrapped up their hugs, more guards in their flying saucers appeared, with their guns full and ready. Helen and Bob had them crashing into the ground within the minute. They stared at each other and sighed an "I love you" while Dash and Victor admired their quick work, and I giggled at their expressions. But of course happy moments don't last forever on this island, more guards had showed up.

Dash ran around us quickly making a small-ish dust storm. Victor put up a force field to deflect off the gun bullets and Helen, Bob, and I attacked any extra guards. But as we finished with the guards a very familiar man stood in front of us and froze us with his tech-weapons.

-"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, time out!"

-"What have we here? Matching uniforms? Well, except you dear, and I don't know why, but I will!" he said half laughing.

-"Oh, no! Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? Whoa!" he continued as he laughed and turned over to Victor and Dash.

-"And got busy!"

-"It's a whole family of superheroes! Looks like I've hit the Jackpot! Oh this is too good!" he exclaimed happily.


This book is almost done just a few chapter left. Don't worry though, the next book is ready to be posted!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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