The Unmasking

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After he continued his babbling on how happy he was, he took us to the facility and locked us into some machine holding our arms and legs. He continued on his baling about the battle, and robots and screaming people.

-"I'll be an even bigger hero than you were!"

-"You mean you killed off real hero's so you could pretend to be one?" Bob complained but it only got this "Syndrome" guy angry.

He continued to laugh at Bob and continue explaining his life plan, but as he did his eyes landed on me.

-"Oh! I never found out who you were, right dear?" he teased, letting the smirk on his face grow bigger.

As he walked closer to me I tried to loosen or get out of the machine that was holding me.

-"Oh, it's no use dear, I used stronger ones for you! I saw you electrocuting all my guards earlier, wouldn't want you running loose" he chuckled and reached for my mask as I tried to turn away.

-"Leave her alone!" Victor yelled which caused Syndrome to glare at him but ultimately, he ignored him. He reached for my mask and pulled it off, he stared at me for a bit before what I think was realization came over him.

-"Ohh wow I really hit the jackpot today! Little Y/n's all grown up!" he laughed out, while I stared at him confused.

-"You don't remember me do you? Well, I don't blame you, you only saw me 5-6 times 9 years ago during the experiments? But I do hope you remember what happens when you don't listen, wouldn't want to go through that again?" my body was shaking as the memories came flooding in, fear filled me and my eyes began to water. Bob must have noticed, because he spoke up first.

-"Y-Y/n what is he talking about? Experiments? What experiments?"

-"It's been tough trying to find you again! I'll admit you've gotten stronger. All the people I sent to find you either came back all injured, or didn't come back at all!"

-"But I will tell you that the little experiments and tests we did helped us a lot! All of them helped me achieve my final plan, but of course there's always more to learn" he chuckled as I tried everything possible to get out of the machine.

-"Well, until then!" he exclaimed as he walked away laughing.

The echo of his footsteps quieted as he walked away and out the door. The Parr family looked at me scared, concerned and ultimately confused about what had just happened. I stayed silent hoping they wouldn't question, but knowing how much they cared they probably would. So now I was debating on how to explain it without sounding so tragic, but the more I thought about it the more tragic it sounded.

-"H-hey umm... Y/n? Do you know what he's talking about?" Dash asked me, as I stayed quiet. I could practically hear a clock ticking of how quiet it was. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's a little late.


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