Dinner Time Part 1

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I was taken to the Parr Family next, I have lived with them for two months now. The scientist and supervillain attacks haven't stopped but I fight them off as secretly as I can. They know about my powers but not the attacks, I don't want them to worry, plus it's my problem. They are superheroes too, which is a good thing because I can control my powers but only to some extent. Their family is very interesting...

Bob Parr: Mr. Parr is a superhero known as Mr. Incredible who has super strength, but that was before superheroes became illegal. Now he works at an insurance company.

Helen Parr: Mrs. Parr is Elastigirl, she is able to stretch her body to incredible lengths, which is very handy when we clean the house. She doesn't have a job but she has her hands full when taking care of Jack-Jack.

Victor Parr: Victor is the oldest child, he's 16 same as me, we go to the same high school. He has invisibility powers and can create force fields. He's very shy and quiet, but once you get to know him his shyness kinda goes away. I have a small crush on him, which unfortunately Dash found out and likes to tease me about it.

Dash Parr: Dash is the 10 year old middle child who is very very fast and energetic. He uses his super speed powers to get out of the school mischief he creates. Like placing pin tacks on the teachers chair.

Jack-Jack Parr: Jack-Jack is the family baby, he is really adorable but can be quite a handful and he does that without powers...for now.

-Present Day-

Helen is supposed to pick us up in a few minutes so we are waiting for her to come. I'm glad because I don't want to walk home and be attacked by some weirdo. Victor is just leaning against a wall trying to conjure up a small force field in his hand to keep himself distracted, and I was just counting the cars that were passing by, until I heard the beeping of the car and Dashes yells for us to hurry up.

-"Come on Victor! Hurry up Y/n!" He yelled.

-"Coming, Coming!" I answered while scrambling into the car.

After a small car ride I helped Helen with dinner, which was heating up leftovers from the week. There were lots of options, and I chose some mashed potatoes and steak. As we ate Helen fed Jack-Jack, which required her to make funny faces to get him to eat.

-"Mom! You're making weird faces again" Dash complained.

-"No, I'm not" She replied but continued her 'weird faces'.

-"You make weird faces, honey" Bob said bluntly, not helping Helen's case.

-"Do you have to read at the table?" she asked, giving him an annoyed look which he completely ignored.

-"Uh-huh. Yeah" he said, still not looking up from the newspaper he was reading.

-"Smaller bites, Dash! Yikes!" Helen said as Dash bit his steak roughly.

-"Bob, could you help the carnivore cut his meat?" she asked.

Bob got up slightly and leaned over to help Dash cut his meat, he sigh annoyed as he did it.

-"Dash, you have something you wanna tell your father about school?" she asked.

-"I...Umm...Well we dissected a frog," Dash replied, looking slightly down at the table.

-"Dash got sent to the office again," Helen said, annoyed at Dash's unwillingness to say what happened.

-"Good, Good..." Bob answered, still not paying attention to what anyone was saying.


That's the second part. Hope you enjoyed it! 


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