New Suits and Secrets Part 2

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-"What do I think! Bob is retired! I'm retired! Our family is underground!"

-"You helped my husband resume secret hero work behind my back!"

-"Well, I assumed you knew, darling. Why would he keep secrets from you?" E. said almost mockingly.

-"He wouldn't. Didn't! Doesn't!" Helen said, trying to reassure herself.

They kept talking and eventually we called the office, and found out that Bob was fired two months ago, TWO MONTHS! Well Helen eventually gave up and used the something sigal thingy to find his location. When she pressed the button I had a bad feeling in my stomach, almost as if my gut was telling me it was wrong to do that.

Well now we are in the kitchen, Helen is crying her guts out while E. held a roll of toilet paper and I munched on some cookies I found in one of her cabinets. A few minutes later E. couldn't hold her patience much longer, she jumped on the table, smacked Helen's head with a roll of newspaper and gave the speech of a lifetime. After her speech she led us to the door.

-"Goodbye! And call me when you get back, darling. I enjoy our visits, especially yours Y/n come back anytime you want!" E. said as we left her house to go to the car.

-"Bye E.! See you soon!" I said and hopped into the car.

-Small and very awkward car ride later-

After the very awkward car ride, as I calmly got out of the car Helen ran out into the house. Once I got inside I found her packing stuff and yelling out directions to Victor.

-"There are lots of leftovers that you can reheat" She told Victor while he stood in her room confused about what was going on.

-"Make sure Dash does his homework, and both of you get to bed on time!"

-"I should be back tonight, late!"

-"Y/n is in charge, you can be in charge for that long can't you?" She asked, as she turned to face me.

-"Yup!" I answered.

-"Yeah she can, but why is she in charge again?" Victor asked.

-"Nothing! Just a little trouble with daddy" Helen said as she finished packing some of her stuff.

-"You mean dad's in trouble, or dad is the trouble?" he asked, still unsure of what was going on.

-"She means either he's in trouble or he's gonna be" I told him, patting his shoulder as I helped Helen pack.


We are getting close to the end (Not too close, so don't worry) but around like 11-12 chapters left.

The good thing about this is you get a new story!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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