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-"W-what do we do?" Dash asked, panicking.

-"RUN!" Victor yelled as he grabbed my hand pulling me forward.

-"Where are we running?" Dash asked, standing still.

-"Away from here!" I replied and continued to run alongside Victor, while Dash was probably halfway through the island.

We ran for a good amount of time or a good distance until we were surrounded by some security guards on their flying metal saucer things.

-"Think they're super's?" one guard asked, as all three pointed guns at us.

-"Dash, remember what Mom said," Victor whispered to Dash, as held a tight grip around my hand as reassurance.

-"What?" Dash questioned as I mentally facepalmed myself.

-"Hey, stop talking!" another guard said, raising his gun higher.

-"Hold It! Freeze!" they yelled at Victor as he turned invisible.

-"Dash run!" I yelled at him and froze time allowing him to run, and giving Victor and I time to hide.

I ran a good distance and hid between some bushes, I let go of time (because holding it any longer would have just tried me out) and hoped for the best.

-"WHAT THE..."


-"Split up! Look for the boy's! I'll look for the girl!"

-"SHOW YOURSELF!" the guard yelled, I took a small peak and saw him pointing randomly. "Does he really think he's gonna find anyone by doing that?" I thought to myself and slowly and quietly moved out of the bush to run a little more until he shot bullets out.

-"I know you're there, little Mr. disappear" he threatened, while looking around for any slight movements. I looked around too looking for any sign of Victor, the guard turned around slightly and I saw a big tree branch floating up.

The branch hit the guard which caused him to fall down, and Victor showed himself but fell to the ground as the guard hit his legs. The guard rolled over to reach his weapon and chased after Victor who was already turning invisible. Victor ran and jumped into a lake hiding as the guard shot bullets.

-"You can't hide from me!" the guard warned as he bent down a bit, reaching some dirt and throwing it into the water.

-"There you a-" he began but didn't finish because Dash had shown up and punched him unconscious.

As Victor got out of the water other guards that had been close behind Dash showed up, and before I could do anything a guard held my hands back while pointing a gun at my back.

-"Don't move or the girl gets it" the guard threatened Dash and Victor as they both panicked. 


Yay! I'm on thanksgiving break, which means more writing time! 

I also had a quick question! The holidays are coming up and I wanted to know if you want the next book to be holiday themed like the nutcracker or something (suggestions are much appreciated) or regular Disney?

So, please let me know so I can get started on that.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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