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We were sitting in the car, my head leaning on Victor's shoulder as we drove off to the Parr house. Bob was talking to Mr. Dicker about the people being happy we helped and they were forever grateful to us. He asked about us going out of hiding but Mr. Dicker just suggested letting the politicians figure that out. I turned to Helen and saw her listening to the phone with a concerned expression on her face.

-"What's wrong?" I asked her.

-"I'm listening to Kari's messages"

-"Bob! Listen to this" she said as she put the phone on a loud speaker for all of us to hear. It was Kari, but it seemed like she was in trouble until the last call. She said she was fine and thanked Helen for bringing over another sitter.

-"You called another sitter? When?" I asked.

-"Replacement? I didn't call a replacement!" she half yelled as we all stumbled out of the car running to the house. To our surprise Syndrome was there cradling Jack-Jack, as he froze us with one of his controls.

-"Shh, the baby is sleeping" he hushed.

-"You took away my future, I'm simply returning the favor"

-"Don't worry, I'll be a good mentor!"

-"Supporting, encouraging, everything you weren't!"

-"And in time, who knows, maybe he'll make a good sidekick" as he finished his sentence he threw us towards a wall and flew away.

-"He's getting away Bob! We have to do something NOW!" Helen yelled as she got up, all of us running outside.

-"Something is happening, what's happening?!" she exclaimed as Syndrome went up and down and was struggling to get into his ship, plane?

-"We have to stop him, throw something!"

-"I might hit Jack-Jack!"

-"...Throw me"

-"BOB, THROW ME!" she yelled as Bob threw her at Jack-Jack.

As they fell downwards, Helen cradling Jack-Jack, I laid clouds out under them, giving them a soft landing.

-"This isn't the end of it! I will get your son eventually!" Syndrome yelled but was stopped when Bob threw a car at him.

The plane exploded and I hurried down the clouds faster to get them down as Victor put a force field around us, protecting us from the falling pieces.

-"That's my boy" Helen congratulated softly, and I kissed Victor's cheek.

-"Does this mean we have to move again?" Dash asked, while we all laughed in return.

-"THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED!" a little boy on a bike with a cap yelled happily.

-3 Months Later-


Victor and I were talking to some friends as we waited for Dash's track finals to start. Eventually they left to find their seats as Victor and I stayed there in utter silence.

-"H-Hey Y/n?"


-"W-would you"


-"Do you think maybe..."

-"Can we go to the movies? Only if you want to" I asked as I felt the butterflies in my stomach fluttering heavily.

-"S-sure, when? Friday?"

-"Yup, now let's go! Dash's race starts soon!"

We found seats and just in time too, this person shot a bullet indicating that the race would begin. Dash started off really slow as the others ran their fastest.

-"Dash Go, Go!"

-"No, No, slow down"

-"Little faster!"


-"Second place! Second place is good!" as we all encouraged Dash to win second place, the man next to us looked at us weirdly. I glared at the man a bit before he looked away.

-"That's my boy!" Bob exclaimed happily when Dash won second place.

We walked around the parking lot in search of the car. While also congratulating and laughing on how Dash won and how silly we looked telling him to speed up and slow down.

-"Dash I'm so proud of you"

-"I didn't know what the heck you wanted me to do," Dash admitted, slightly shaking his head and laughing.

As the words left his mouth, people around us began to scream and shout for help. The crashing sounds of something against theirs and rumbling of the ground had caused people to panic. Some type of mega drill vehicle had drilled it's way out of the ground onto the parking lot. A little, short man with brown clothing and big hat covering his eyes popped out of the vehicle, holding a mike.

-"Behold the Underminer!!"

-"I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me!!"

-"I hereby declare war on peace and happiness!"

As he continued his declaration of war I pulled out my mask from my bag and put it on as everyone but Bob did. He turned to look at us before doing the same.

-"Everyone ready! Let's go!"


Yay! This is the last chapter! Now that I think about it it's kinda sad but...it also means a new story will be released. As I mentioned a few day's ago, the new story will be released in three days. Three days counting tomorrow (so tomorrow will be day 1). 

I really hope you enjoyed the book as much as I did making it!

Also book/movie suggestions are deeply appreciated! I'm doing Disney movies for now, but I also wanted to do something different for Christmas. So please let me know if there is something specific you would like.


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