Cool Outfits

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-"Are you sure I can't come, I already know what's going on, and I can be of great help" I practically begged Helen for the sixth time.

-"No, I already told you it's dangerous and it's not your problem don't worry about it to much"

-"Stay here and help Victor with Dash and Jack-Jack"

-"Oh! E gave me this to give to you to make sure to keep it hidden, I don't want the boys knowing" she said as she handed me my superhero suits, she also spoke too soon because Dash came in.

-"Hey! What's that? Where'd you get that Mom?" he said and Helen slammed the door shut, but that didn't stop him he ran outside and tried to peek.

-"You made a cool outfit? Are these for us?" he said on the right side of the window, but Helen closed the blinds, and he ran to the left side.

-"We all get cool outfits?"

Well, let say 1 point Dash 0 Helen, he ran inside and took his outfit running back to show us once he was dressed. Helen was on a phone call when Victor came in and asked questions and Dash excitedly ran around the room. Helen began to kick us out of the room after Dash stole Victor's outfit from her.

-"You're not coming! And I've gotta pack!" Helen yelled and slammed the door.

-"Well you gonna explain?" Victor said as he turned to face me.

-"Yeah, what are you hiding?" Dash said as he ran to my side.

-"Call Kari"

-"Why?" Victor asked as we walked to the kitchen to call her.

-"Cause boys, we are going on a trip!" I said as I patted their backs.


I'm really sorry, I was stuck at the doctors office almost all day and got stacked up on homework. 

The good thing is you get two chapters so...

Well, I hope you enjoy these two chapters.


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