The Cave

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As I regained consciousness I heard hushed voices, and felt the warmness of what seemed like a campfire near me.

-"When will she wake up?"

-"I-I don't know Dash, I don't know"

-"I'm gonna go look around"

-"Mom said to stay hidden"

-"I'm not gonna leave the cave. Sheesh"

Knowing that Dash was leaving to go somewhere alone worried me, so I tried to get up. The only thing I managed was to sit up. I looked around and saw Victor sitting by the fire trying to conjure a force field.

-"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it" I encouraged as my voice softly echoed off the walls of the cave.

-"Y/n, you're awake, what happened? Do you feel better?" he asked me concerned, as I let out a small laugh.

-"Yes, I'm fine, just feel a little tired"

-"Remember that time, I told you my powers are linked to my emotions, well while on the plane I began to panic which caused my powers to go unstable, and so my powers began to drain out my strength which caused me to go unconscious" as I finished talking Victor stood up and gave me a hug, burying his face in my hair.

-"I'm sorry I couldn't help, you got hurt"

-"It's fine, you haven't used your powers in a while so it's understandable" I reassured softly as I patted his back. He kissed my head and we went to look for Dash.

-"Vic! Vic! Vic! Vic! Vic!" Dash yelled as he came running to us at full speed.

-"What did you do?" Victor asked, but didn't receive an answer but a yank to his wrist to move forward. We ran out of the cave into some bushes, where we looked up and saw a rocket ship taking off.

-The next day-

As the sun rose I felt warmness, which I thought was the morning sunrays, until I realized there was a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes quickly and saw Victor's arms hugging me tightly as he slept, my cheeks blushed pink and I tried to move away but his grip on me was tight.

-"Five more minutes" he mumbled half asleep.

-"Victor get up!" I whispered-yelled, hoping Dash wouldn't get up because if he did, I would never hear the end of it.

Victor finally got up, my back was facing him so I couldn't really see what he was doing. But he must have finally noticed his hold on me because he let go and apologized which caused me to laugh and ruffle his hair as I got up.

-"I'll look for something to eat and you take care of Dash, I'll be back soon!" I said while rushing off to look for food.

-What seemed like an eternity later-

NOTHING, there's absolutely nothing to eat on this Island. As I walked back I heard Victor and Dash talking...and a third voice?

-"Who are you-" half way through my question an alarm went off, I covered my ears as I glared at the two boys who just pointed at each other.


Sorry I posted it a bit late, I got distracted writing my other story and yeah...

Please let me know if there is any Disney movie you would like me to do this one is almost done and I'm at the very end of writing the next one.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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