Ch. 1

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Character list- these are just a few of the characters, more will be introduced as I go along.

Alex-main character, a junior in high school. She's 17. She's 5'11" and plays on the varsity ice hockey team at her boarding school in Minnesota.

Sam- Alex's best friend. He's also a freshman and works at the coffee shop with her.

Kindle- Alex's roommate. They don't get along well, at all. She was part of the IT crowd, and was the epitome of a trust fund baby. She would never work a day in her life.


Chapter 1

The practice today was really difficult, so after I got my shower, I went directly to my dorm and crashed. Luckily it was a Saturday, and I had no plans for the day.

Well, almost all day. My shift at the campus coffee shop started at 2. My family couldn't afford the outlandish tuition, so I worked 15 hours a week to help offset the cost.

At 1:30, my alarm went off, so I dragged my self out of bed. I put on my khaki pants and a black button down shirt, along with red bow tie and a green apron, since it was December after all. I put some hair gel in my hair and it made a nice little faux hawk.

I worked until 10pm today, so I grabbed a protein bar as I walked out of my dorm. My roommate, Kindle, was nowhere to be seen, which means she must have spent the night at her boyfriend's house.

After walking, scratch that, make it running across campus, I was right on time.

"Cutting it a little close?" Sam, a co-worker asked

"I was tired. I knew I had enough time. Unlike, you, I'm always here on time!" I was just messing with him and he knew it.

I was the crew leader leader of this shift, so I didn't have to open a cash register. Instead, I would be the barista. It has its advantages, such as not having to deal with the indecisive customers.

"Alex, I need a grande, iced, quad, sugar-free latte with soy milk for Madison."

She walked around to the pick up area to wait for her drink.

"Are you sure you want quad? You realize that's four espresso shots, right?"

"Of course I know what it means! Just make my damn drink, Alex!" Jeez, someone is testy today.

She's a regular, and she's always rude. I made her coffee a few degrees too hot so it would burn her a bit if she didn't wait a minute to drink it.

It worked, marvelously. She spit it out and probably ruined her Uggs.

The rest of the shift went off without a hitch.

"Wanna make a McDonald's run, Sam?"

"Yeah, I'm starving!" He said.

San didn't have have a car on campus because he's only 15. Even if he was old enough, freshman couldn't have cars.

We went out to the parking lot and got in my 2001 Volvo S60. I worked all summer for it and I'm proud of it, even though it doesn't stand a chance compared to my peer's Mercedes and BMWs.

We decided to go in, instead of using the drive thru since neither of us had plans for tonight.

"You total is $7.65, or free if I can have your phone number." The cashier said. He was probably my age, and not bad looking. I gave it to him, because who in their right mind turns down free food?

After Sam got his food we went and sat in a booth.

"I've know you for almost an entire semester and I've never seen you even a little bit interested in a guy. Are you a lesbian?" Sam asked

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