Chapter Four: Gabi

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I was still shocked about the accident when we got to Social Studies. Seeing and open seat by Summer, I went to go sit by her.

"So." I said. "You and Sherlock saved Ian."

Summer shrugged.

"No big deal, I simply reacted." she muttered shyly, allowing her hair to curtain her face. "And Sherlock and I reacted faster than anyone else."

There was movement by the door. Both Summer and I looked to see John, finally back from taking Ian to the infirmary.

"Well that was fun." John muttered sarcastically, taking a seat by Sherlock.

Summer and I both laughed, which was stopped by a pain in my left foot. "Stupid blisters the one thing I hate about shoes like this," I complained.

Summer raised an eyebrow. "You know there's this thing called a Band-Aid, and if you knew you'd get blisters why'd you wear them anyways?" She questioned.

"I didn't know that the uniforms required some sort of heeled shoe until John told us." I whined.

Summer just grinned. "Well you'll just have to get used to it huh?" I stuck my tongue out at her.

She giggled and then turned to her textbook. I slouched in my seat, waiting for the professor. For some reason, she wasn't in here.

I'm pretty sure I fell asleep, because when Summer shook my shoulder, the teacher was here, and the class was already halfway over.

"When did she get here?" I whispered to Summer.

"Just now." Summer whispered back.

"Having an affair with the janitor again, are we?" Sherlock said, just loud enough for the class to hear. Everyone errupted into giggles.

The teacher, Professor Walker, glared at him. "I'm not putting up with you today, Holmes." she said. "So either behave or I'll send you to the Headmaster's office."

Sherlock rolled his eyes. He obviously didn't care. 'Does he care about anything?' I though curiously. Then I involunatarily shrugged to answer my own question.

Summer cast a look at me when I moved, then turned back to her textbook.

Professor Walker tried to teach us something, anything at all, really. But her lateness left her at a disadvantage. A large disadvantage that to the rest of the room of fifteen year olds was an advantage. The whole confrontation ended with her giving up and leaving us to talk amongst ourselves.

By everyone's looks, I guessed that this happened often.

I instantly gravitated towards the Doctor and his friends.

"-terrible shame, though. Ian must've gotten a little careless." Martha said. "Although I never would have guessed he was the careless type."

"Well, it was accident, they happen all the time." Mikey added, holding his girlfriend's hand and squeezing it comfortingly.

"Well, it would be an accident, except it wasn't." the deep baritone voice voice of Sherlock Holmes said behind me. I squeaked in surprise, which was a little embarrassing.

Sherlock was behind me, along with John and Summer.

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" I whispered a little angry. Sherlock ignored me, and joined in the conversation.

Awkwardly, I kinda backed up from the group. I mean don't get me wrong I'm used to things like this, but seriously it was REALLY awkward.

"Hey Gabi, where you going?" Doctor asked, looking at me from the center of the group.

"Oh uh... I just don't like awkward moments that's all..." I said, blushing a little, and putting my head down to hide it.

I heard a few giggles, and saw some of what I thought to be the bullies staring at me, with evil smirks.

"Gabi, you'd better come back over here if you know what's good for you." Sherlock said hurriedly.

"Yeah...right" i replied, tearing my eyes away from the presumed bullies, and heading over to the group.

"Psst, who are they?" I asked.

Summer turned, and her face went from happy, to disgusted. "Sally Donovan and Phillip Anderson." she said, turning back to the group, with an angry look on her face.

"Ok, I know I'm not a blonde, but I don't know anything about them..." I trailed off, looking back to see them still staring. "...but they're creeping me out." I said, laughing nervously.

"They bully nerds and G&T kids like us..." Doctor explained.

I sighed. "Great, so I suppose they are staring me down for a reason..." I said.

I turned back around to see they were headed in our direction, but thank god the bell rang.

"Come on." John said, pulling me out of the classroom, along with the rest of the group.

"Saved by the bell." I sighed, as we headed over to our next class.

I just hoped Sally and Phillip weren't in the same class.

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