Chapter Fourteen: Gabi

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I was walking with the Doctor through the school.

We'd decided before we ask anyone about the murders, we should look for the angels.

"I need to know what this new breed does." The Doctor said, as we walked down a hallway.

"Yeah but what are we supposed to do when we find out?" I asked, looking around to see if one might be following us.

The Doctor paused in thought. "I actually don't know." He said, then smiled. "There's always something I don't know, isn't there."

I laughed.

"Sooo..." The Doctor started. "How are you doing after last night?" He asked, finishing his thought.

"Oh um I'm fine now." I said, smiling.

The Doctor didn't say anything, and my smile faded a little.

(Time skip: one hour)

"I haven't seen or heard anyone in a while Doctor, I'm starting to think this wasn't such a good idea." I said, folding my arms.

It was another one of my nervous habits.

My fears were confirmed, when I saw a piece of stone, lying on the floor at the start of one of the many halls in the school.

"Doctor." I said hurriedly, tugging on his sleeve.

He saw the piece of stone, and I saw worry flash across his face, as we headed towards the hallway entrance.

When we got to the entrance, I was worried still, but I couldn't hold back the laughter that was building up inside me.

"Oh my gosh!" I laughed.

Right there, in front of us, surrounded by stone, were Summer and Sherlock.

And they were subconsciously cuddling.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture, you know for blackmail.

"How." The Doctor asked, making me stop laughing

"How what?" I asked, following the Doctor, as he examined the stone.

"How did it get broken, and since its broken, shouldn't Summer and Sherlock be fine?"

The Doctors last question made my heart sink a little.

Should Summer and Sherlock be fine?

I walked around, trying to get a better look at the two.

I noticed that they were both considerably paler, and when I felt Summer's hand, it was cold.

"What if the angels power over them doesn't stop, even after it's somehow been broken?" I said.

I hoped I was wrong.

"It feels like all their energy is being drained very slowly." I said, looking at the Doctor.

I probably looked almost as worried and frustrated as I did last night.

I knew I was correct, when the Doctor's expression turned to worry when he looked at me.

I looked at Summer, trying to avoid the Doctor's eyes.

she looked even paler now.

"Please wake up Summer." I pleaded, as I heard the Doctor scoot closer.

"Gabi, you honestly need to stop worrying, I promise you they'll be fine." He said softly.

I was still looking at Summer, as an excuse to avoid his gaze, but I smiled a little.

"We need to find out who broke this angel though." The Doctor said.

His serious side was showing again.

(A/N: Eleven your Nine is showing... sorry I just had to)

"Well we can't just leave them here either." I said, looking at Summers face get a little paler.

"Let's take them with us." The Doctor suggested.

I nodded.

I picked Summer up, and positioned her like I was giving her a piggy-back ride, while the Doctor did the same for Sherlock.

"Well then let's go and look around, to see if there are any more that the angels got to."

I really hoped there weren't any more.

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