Chapter 32

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Soon after leaving the premises of the temporary residence, as expected, YiYang notices a man dressed up as a local, following them. Sticking with the plan, the pair of brothers, now dressed in native attire disguised as a pair of lovers, pretend not to have noticed the tail and mount their swords and fly towards Kynlun.

On arriving at the town, YiYang bids his lady farewell. He proceeds to the underground scarce goods market. As predicted, the tail disregards YiYang's companion and follows him instead.

While YiYang aimlessly loiters around checking out various items on offer, YiHuang returns to his residence and places an untraceable detector on the charm before quickly creating a shield to protect YiYang's mind from being manipulated. The technique he had used was something he had come up with Zhang the day they had watched the Resistance Facility fall prey to memory manipulation. They were planning to use it if they got separated and needed to communicate. YiHuang had simply modified it to act as a shield and a communication device.

Hiding the charm and the mind shield: a 2 by 2 mm transparent film, within his robes, YiHuang meets his brother at a predecided location at the scarce goods market. After pretending to exchange pleasantries, the duo leaves for the Imperial Palace.

At the Council Hall, the brothers are greeted by General Teng and Professor Kwan, who seem to be in a stalemate. When they notice the princes, the two fall silent and school their features into a pleasant smile.

General Teng approaches the duo while Kwan hangs behind, looking uncomfortable.

"YiHuang, the crown prince told us that you were working on a solution to strengthen the barrier. How did it go?" Teng inquiries casually.

YiHuang knew that the first thing General Teng would like to do would be to verify his whereabouts. Having readied himself in advance, he reports his fake findings as confidently as always, "I regret to inform that I wasn't successful. Moreover, I found that the barriers around TengHo have weakened beyond repair. If they continue to weaken, I am afraid the atmospheric bubble will crumble. Brother caught me amid the final trial. I apologize for the delay it has caused."

General Teng waves his hand dismissively, "You don't have to concern yourself with that anymore. Your father and I will take care of it." The man looks over his shoulder at Hu Kwan, "Professor Kwan, why don't you come and meet your protégé. You haven't seen each other for so long. I am sure you must have a lot of catching up to do."

As the elder approaches, the duo bow to him.

YiYang shakes his head, "General Teng, I am sure you got that wrong. YiHuang told me that he met Professor Kwan recently to discuss some matter related to the barrier." He turns to YiHuang and gestures him to step in.

YiHuang is quick on the uptake, "Sir," he addresses Teng, "I have met the Professor a few times, actually. Twice at the facility and once at a refreshment station."

Teng narrows his eyes, "Why?"

YiHuang bows. When he glances up and meets the latter's eyes, he says in a solemn tone, "The first time was to run my barrier strengthening idea by him," he pauses, "As for the second and third, it was unofficial, Sir. It was a private matter."

"What private matter?" YiYang and Teng ask simultaneously, even Professor Kwan looks on surprised.
Keeping his eyes glued to the floor, he shakes his head, "General, brother, I am sorry, but I can't answer that."

YiYang gets what his brother is trying to do: buy time. He pours fuel to fire, "This is unacceptable. Haven't you always been forthright? Unlike me, you are an upright Yuanjian, a role model to this generation of youth. How can you refuse to answer? If you want, I can leave-"

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