Chapter 30

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*Three hundred years ago*

*[The Cryo Chamber]*

Three oval pods, attached to a vine, float, suspended mid-air in the middle of the large, dimly lit room. Two guards dressed in pale yellow traditional Yuanjian attire stand guard at the large metal doors.

A cry from within the room alerts them, and despite being told not to enter, they rush inside.

Little did they know that it was a mistake, a mistake, that would cost hundreds of their brethren their lives.
The metal doors that were partially opened seconds ago are thrown wide open, and gray robes kiss the marble floor as a tall, slender-figured lady enters the room with her palms stretched out to her sides.

"Your highness, you shouldn't be here!" The taller of the two warns, bowing his head.

The girl scans the room, "Thank you for letting me in." She waves her hand, and the men fly halfway across the room and hit the floor. They try to stand, pointing their weapons: three feet long, pointed, golden shafts but instead double over with pain as if punched in the gut.

The younger man, in an unexpected move, flings his shaft at her. "My apologies, your highness." The man yells as the weapon hits the girl square in her chest, dragging a gut-wrenching scream from her. A beam of light: shoots from her fingertips, its target: the guard who had dared to hurt her. The first guard mimics his partner's move. The second blow to her abdomen makes her stagger, yet the beam finds its target, killing the guard on the spot.

As the girl scrambles to her feet, the one still alive rushes towards the exit, closing the door behind him. Upon exiting, he jams the alarm button, filling the entire establishment with siren sounds, alerting everyone in the place.

As hundreds of men, women, and security personnel leave their posts and rush to the Cryo Chamber, the metal doors burst open. The guard watches, bewildered as an abyss-like formation opens inches away from the oval floating pods.

"Stop, Ah-Yu." A voice booms in the chamber, making the woman glance over her shoulder. Her eyes soften for a moment before they are back to steel. She turns; in her arms, she holds one of the three pods. A man dressed in red enters the chamber. ""Lower your weapons. She is your princess." He commands, before looking at the girl's blood-soaked robes; he exclaims, "Sister, what have you done!?"

The girl laughs. She seems to have aged decades in a matter of seconds; with blood turning her purple robes darker and her face paler, she cradles the pod closer to her bleeding chest, "Even now, you are more concerned about what I have done? The blood that I spill now runs in your veins as well, brother, but you don't care, do you?"

The man raises his arms to show that he is unarmed and starts closing the gap between the two, "Daiyu, Ah-Yu, you know that's not true. We are connected, you and I. Come back to us...come back to me. You are hurt. Your gifts have turned against you,  sister. Return the pod to its rightful place. You have no clue what you are doing."

The girl's laugh turns manic, "I know, exactly, what I am doing, brother. I am leaving."

"You can't leave. The facility is surrounded. The royal guards will be here soon. I won't be able to protect you."

Princess Daiyu's laugh dies on her lips, and a tear rolls down her cheek, "Where I am going... I can't get to it through doors."

A look of terror flutters across the young man's face, "Dimensional rift..." he muttered under his breath; shaking his head, he pleads, "Don't do that, please. Hundreds will die. Your name will be sullied forever. Nothing has happened that can't be fixed yet. Come back."

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