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tw, bullying 

third person pov?




running, running was all he could manage to do.

the small pale boy quickly rushed through the crowd of people surrounding him, he could hear their voices yelling at him as he ran. 

"stop being a pussy and get back here you dumb f*ggot!" someone yelled from behind him. 

his breathing became faster and faster as he tried to escape but he couldn't keep it up anymore. eventually someone's hand reached out and grabbed him by the hair. the boy yelped and started to struggle but it wasn't any use. 

"I-I'M SORRY! I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!" the purple haired boy shouted. 

apologizing didn't do anything though.

"listen here Ouma, if i catch you stealing my money again, you're DEAD." Momota exclaimed, "do you hear me?" 

"Y-YES!" Ouma loudly said. 

Momota stood there for a second contemplating on what to do next, Ouma slowly started backing away thinking maybe this was his chance to escape. 

"where the fuck do you think you're going?" he snarled, suddenly launching a punch at the fragile boy. "you can't just fucking steal my money and get away with it you dumb cunt." ouma shrieked in pain trying to struggle free but momota's grip was firm. he continued to get a couple more blows to the face and a kick in a stomach as ouma yelped in agony. 

it had been roughly 5-10 minutes and ouma was still laying on the hard cement, it felt like it'd been hours, his body ached and was sore to move. it was almost 5:30pm and he knew it would start getting dark soon, he had to get home soon, he had to be home by maximum 6pm or else.

or else a certain someone would be mad, and he did not want that. 

ouma wanted to get up but he was just so tired, plus the pavement had suddenly become quite comfortable. 

hey, hey you?" a voice said from above him, interrupting his thoughts. 

Ouma didn't move.

"are you there?" the voice said. 

please go away. i'm tired. 

the person from above slightly nudged him and Ouma gave a dirty glare to the person above him. a tall guy, he had dark blue hair and wore a cap that slightly covered his eyes. 

"oh? so you are alive?" the voice said while poking him like he was dead roadkill. 

"p-please stop poking me." Ouma said in an annoyed tone.

"you speak?" the voice said.

Ouma remained silent. the figure continued to stare at him as he laid there. 

"you need to get home right?" the person began to speak again, "don't you have parents to get home to?"


"look, if you're not going to say anything I'll just leave. do you want help or not?" 

ouma took a couple seconds to process what he had said and slowly got up, stumbling slightly as if stood up but remained his balance. 

"thanks for um, checking u-up on me..." ouma said while awardly staring at the ground, he was shit at holding conversations. 

"don't worry about it..." said the emo guy as he started to walk off.

"w-wait!" ouma blurted out. "what's your name..?" 


"i don't know, am i not a-allowed to know?" he stated. 

"my name is saihara shuichi, what's your name mr sleep on the pavment?" saihara said while examining ouma. 

"ouma kokichi! do y-you think we could maybee be friends?" the boy said with pleading eyes, he barely had any friends so he was desperate for anyone.

"i barely even know you, but i'll see." saihara said as he hurried away.

ouma watched him slowly disappear in the distance.

what a weird interaction, way to make a first impression

authors note: i might not be updating this story to much, sorry if it's bad i'm not the best at writing! i'll try and write another chapter today 

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