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I wake up and go into Oswald's room. Huh, not there. I go into ed'd and I see him and Oswald cuddled up together in bed. I gasp and Ed wakes up. He rubs his eyes and puts on his glasses. He realizes it's me and jumps outs of bed.

"Guys!!" I laugh.

"Uh, Oswald why are you here? When did you-" Ed starts then sighs.

"Yeah okay big deal.." Ed says.

"YAYYYY!!" I go over and hug them.

"Have you kissed yet?" I ask. "Nope." Oswald responds sadly. "Your sad." I smirk.

"Your sad- well." Ed says and kisses Oswald.

I scream with joy with shut up quickly as there's others still sleeping. Oops.

"I'm so happy!!" I say.

"Your happy? I'm the one who got kissed, Y/n!" Oswald laughs.
"..Still! Can we- oh never mind. I can't go out." I say.

"Why not? They didn't arrest you, your free." Ed says.

"You make a fair point my friend, well then, let's go somewhere!" I say.

"Okay, where?" Ed asks. " Anywhere!" I say

I go back to my room and get dressed out of my pajamas. As I'm getting dressed I get lost in my thoughts.

Thoughts about him.

Of course, I can't take my mind of it. I really appreciate Ed and Oswald helping me.

"Are you ready?" Oswald calls out from the other side of the door.

I open it. "Yep!"

We get into the car and Ed calls shotgun as Oswald drives. I have to sit in the back. I'm such a third wheel right now.

"So, where are we going..?" Oswald asks after driving in a circle.

"Uhh.." I say, thinking.

What if Jeremiah is at the police station? They may still be questioning him. He could be there, it would have been all over the news if he was locked in Akham.

"We should.. go to the station.." I say

"Station? Why?" Ed asks.

"Uh Jim. I wanna see him." I say.

"Oh, okay." Oswald says and drives. We arrive.

"You can wait here and... I don't know kiss while I see Jim." I say and shut the car door quickly.

I enter the building and everyone is busy with their own work, they didn't even look up at me.

I walk by the cells, desperate to see him.

Come on... he's got to be here.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice says.

"Jim.." I turn around.
(Did you think- Hehe)

"Why are you here?" Jim asks.

"No reason.. just wanted to see everyone." I say. I've gotten worse at lying.

"Okay... so, how are you, since he got locked up?"

"What? Locked up where?" I ask confused.

"In Arkham."

My heart drops. They actually sent him there. I knew they would of course, but actually hearing it makes me feel sick.

"Oh...uh fine. I've been fine." I say.

"Yeah well I'm sorry."

"Yeah uh I gotta go." I say rushing out.

I jump back into the car.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Oswald asks.

"Uh yes. They locked him up at Arkham." I say.

"Oh.. so you wanna visit him?" Ed asks.

"Visit? You can do that?" I say.

"Yeah of course. I visited Oswald."

"Okay, can you guys drive me, please?" I ask and they nod and smile.

"Thanks guys." I say and go inside to the asylum.

"Hello! I'm here to visit Jeremiah Valeska." I say to the receptionist.

She gives me a dirty look. "Name?" She asks.

"Y/n Y/l/n."

"Okay. GUARD!! Take her to room 67" she says and someone leads me away.

They take me down a long corridor. They open a door labeled room 67.

It's him. Jeremiah is there, laying down.

"Y/n?!" He jumps up and hugs me tight.

"Hi! I was so worried." I hug back.

"You were? What about me? I didn't know if they cops took you or not. Did they do anything to you?" He asks.

"No, they basically let me go." I say.

"I'm glad. So what have you been doing since?" He asks.

"Well.. nothing much to be honest. I was just at Wayne Manor and only yesterday actually did some kind. Ed and Oswald came over. And today I relapsed you were here." I say.

"You only realized today?"

"Yeah, I thought they had you at the station and I didn't think I would be allowed see you, but I went today and Jim told me you were here." I reply and he smiles.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask.

"I missed you a lot."

"I missed you too." I smile and he kisses me.

The guard comes back.

"Don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I can." I say standing up.

He nods and hugs me again.

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