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"Mr. Cobblepot  offers a thousand rounds of a freshly minted nine- millimetre stock for a thousand pounds of grade A steak." Mr. Penn says.

For some reason, I always felt bad for Oswald, well I did before I heard what happened with him, Butch and Tabitha.

"Hmm, so what we are hearing is true. Cupboards a bit bare in penguinland?" Barbara say.

"Absolutely not. Mr. Cobblepot just had a hankering for red meat."

"Ugh, please. Ozzie want to get fat on rib eye while his minions starve." Barbara says.

"Shocker." I add.

"I have a question. Why hasn't you boss left his citadel since the bridges blew? He scared im gonna rip his throat?" Tabitha asks.

"Tabby's still raw from when penguin murdered Butch right in front of her. So, it will have to be 2,000 rounds." Barbara says.

"We're not giving anything to that bastard." Tabitha says.

"Exactly. We're trading for something we need."


"Listen, nobody is asking you to forget what happened,but how do we protect the women who come in here every day looking for safety? We need this." I say.

"She's right. Penguins time will come. We promise." Barbara says.

Tabitha scoffs and pulls out a gun. She puts a bullet in it and walks up to Mr. Penn.

"He's gonna regret giving me this." She says and walks out.

"Better make it 3,000 rounds." I say.

A while later,

I hear a helicopter. Oh my god! I rush to the window. I see it being shot down.

"Y/n! Come on, we're leaving to see what happened!" Tabitha says and we get guns and leave.

We arrive at the scene. Tabitha gasps and runs over. I know why, Oswald.

She grabs him and puts her gun up to him while also choking him.

"You should've stayed at home." She says.

"Listen to me, I know you upset about Butch." He starts and she slaps him.

"He thought you were his friend!" She says.

"I was his friend!"


"You out a knife in my mothers back. His blood is on your hands."

I'm slightly surprised. I knew his mother was dead I just didn't know how.

"You really think I expected to come here and walk away?" Tabitha says.

"Jim, are you just going to let her kill me in cold blood?? Listen, you are not the only one keeping Gotham from the abyss. I am!! I provide stability!" Oswald says and Tabitha let's him go. He gaps for air.

"I may have pulled the trigger, but you killed Butch." He says.

"Shut up and die." Tabitha says. She shoots the gun. Nothing happens. Oswald sight and starts laughing.

She gets her knife. "Now, if that was one of my bullets, I will certainly be having a word with my foreman. Unacceptable! Say hello to Butch." He stabs her.

"No..!" Barbara screams. I stand still in shock.

Barbara and I run up closer to the scene. I go to Tabitha. Barbara stays where she is,

"T-Tabitha, stay with me, please!" I beg, holding her body.

".tell.. Barbara.. Please.. don't.." she says. She lets go and dies, right there. I sob and hear Barbara scream again, shooting people. The police shoot back.

"P-please!! No!" I sob, still holding Tabitha's body. I can't lose Barbara as well.

I turn around as Barbara yells in pain. Oswald shot her.

"Oswald!" I shout getting very angry.

"Oh... I uh I didn't know you were here Y/n.." he says.

"You little bitch! I'm going to kill you-" I stop. He shot me in my arm. I fall to the ground, next to Barbara.

"Quiet! Now, that is exactly the kind of talk that's gonna force my hand. But for old times sakes, I will give you both a chance. Can we move past this?" He asks.

"I'm gonna feed your guts to the rats, you beaky- nosed freak!" Barbara says.

"Barbara.. maybe we should.." I suggest. She snaps her head at me.

"What?!" She says.

"Come on, we've already tried.. Tabitha is dead, you got shot and I got shot.." I say.

"Brilliant, thank you Y/n! Sorry for uh shooting you.. Now Y/n move aside." Oswald says pushing me away and aiming his gun towards Barbara.

"Oswald! I wanna make a deal!" Jim says.

"A deal Jim?" Oswald says.

"We split whatever is in the chopper 50-50...and let Barbara go." He says.

"No. He doesn't get to limp out of here alive"Barbara says and Oswald punches her.

"I've got a deal for you, Jim. She dies, I take very thing and you go home and reflect long and hard on my generosity!" Oswald says.

"And if I say no? What happened when the government finds out you murderer the only cops left in Gotham?"

"Nothing! And as far as I can tell you have nothing to offer and your out of ammo." Oswald laughs. The police shoot his men and shoot Oswlalds leg. He screams.

"Not anymore. Truth is, I was never gonna make that deal. I need all those supplies. Load up!" Jim says. He runs over to me.

"Are you okay? You need to come with me." Jim says. He puts his arm around me and I limp into his car so he can take me to the hospital.

That's when I think of Selina. I haven't even visited her in ages. I have spoken to Bruce but he never mentions her.

While at the hospital, I ask to see Selina. They refuse as I'm in a different ward then her. I guess I'll have to wait..

I go back to Barbara. "Hey." I say.

"What do you want?" She says bitterly.

"I live here." I say.

"Not anymore."

"What? Why?"

"You made the deal with penguin.."

"Yes I did! I don't want you getting killed!!" I explain.

"Too bad. Your stuff is all packed. Take them and leave."

"No, Barbara we've worked together for so long, please I have nowhere to go." I say.

"Go to Wayne Manor."

"It's not safe."

"Then go to Penguin." She throws the box of my stuff to me and slams the door. Oh my god!

I have no other choice.

I go to where Oswald is. I knock on the door. 2 people answer it, ready to shoot me.

"No please!" I say.

"Y/n?" I hear Oswald's voice.

"..Yeah, sorry to ask this but Barbara kicked me out because I made a deal with you so-"

"So you'd like to stay here?" He asks.

I nod. "Of course. I'm so glad you came here. To be honest I'm feeling quiet lonely, I have Edward of course.." He says and puts his arm around me, leading me inside.

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