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Did it?

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"Isn't kind of obvious?"

"Yes but why make me fall in love with the old you?.. I'd be willing to give you a chance if you stopped killing now.." I say.

What the fuck am I doing?

"You would?" He asks.

"..yes.." I confirm..

Welp there's no going back now.

"O-Okay I'll try. It's not gonna be easy.." He says truthfully.

"I understand, none of this was your fault, it wouldn't have happened if Jerome didn't spray you with the insanity gas. And you can start by letting Bruce and Alfred and whoever those people were go." I say.

"Yeah uh about that.."


"The look alike of your parents.. I had them be killed as soon as they leave the room.." he says.

"What? Why?"

"Well I didn't need them anymore."

"Jeremiah! You can't just kill someone when you don't need them! They are human beings." I say.

"Well yeah I know now."

"Fine..but we have to keep this relationship a secret, okay?"

"A secret?" He smirks.

"Yeah, so no more killing for a long time and do something amazing, oh! Do you know anyone who can bring in supplies?" I ask.

"Of course."

"Brilliant!! Okay, so do you have enough to supply the city?"


"Perfect, if you give them to the GCPD, they will forgive you! Or hopefully forgive you. And then we can publicly be together!" I say.

He smiles, but it's a real smile.

"Thank you Y/n, you won't regret it." He hugs me.

So this was all it took to make him stop? I mean I'm still going to try and actually make this relationship work, I do like him, but I thought he wouldn't stop for nobody..

"It's okay, oh and can you let Bruce and Alfred go?" I ask.

"Yeah, but won't they get a a bit suspicious when i just casually let them go?"

"Oh yeah, true..Okay I'll pretend to save them." I say and walk over to the door.

"Jeremiah, what's that?" I say, pointing to the massive black case.

"I..uh nothing!"


"Fine.. If you didn't want to work it out.. I was going to.. uh maybe blow this place up."


"But I don't have to anymore!" He says.

"You think that makes up for it? You were going to blow up my childhood home!!"

"I..I'm sorry! Please, please forgive me!" He gets on his knees.


My cure  {Jeremiah Valeska  x reader}Where stories live. Discover now