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real life :

[    𝟶𝟶𝟹    ]❥real   life  :

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     everyone stopped

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everyone stopped.

surprisingly, the cat didn't look deterred by the shouting. they continued on with their bathing of their paws, hanging out on top of a hall full can of garbage.

august frowned, shifting.

kalynn leveled their look, taking a subtle step closer to the edge of the road. arden followed, rolling their eyes as she tugged the air pod out of her ear. these idiots, she mused to themself. of course it was her housemates that wanted the cat. this would be complicated.

ford and august had the decency to wait for the other two to cross the street, whereas suna went straight for the cat. ve skipped over to the garbage, hand held out non threateningly. the cat didn't look at ver.

"hey," kalynn trailed off, slowly walking past both august and ford with arden by her side.

seemingly, her and august had the same idea.

the two raced over to the garbage can, august letting out a yelp as they were almost shoved over by kalynn. she wanted the cat, ok!

"get the cat, auggie!" ford cheered, making arden glare at him.

kalynn stopped abruptly in front of the garbage can, the cat still perched lavishly on top. she got there before august, only managing to stop herself by digging her toes into the ground. the cat sat up at this, staring curiously as august came to a stuttering stop next to the brunette.

"you almost killed it!"

"i did not!" kalynn gasped, firing back. to exaggerate her point, she puckered her lips, putting on one of those voices people use around animals to call out to the kitty. "isn't that right, sunshine~"

august did the same, imitating kalynn. they leaned closer to the garbage. "no, no, no- you like me better- isn't that right, snuffles~"

"snuffles?" suna repeated.

𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐁𝐘𝐄 𝐌𝐑.𝐀. kalynn kouryWhere stories live. Discover now