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[   𝟶𝟷𝟼   ]❥real  life  :

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     it was only two weeks later that the group got their shit together

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     it was only two weeks later that the group got their shit together.

     two weeks later, aka the colleges "mental health week" basically meaning the students got the week off. this, of course, was great for the co-parent shippers, as they can go on a long long camping trip and resolve kalynn and august's heavily apparent feelings for each other.

    and, to be completely fair, it was still technically a mental health week for them.

     if all goes to plan, kalynn and august would be happy with each other, all lovey dovey, and the co-parent shippers would all be happier with the co-parents not circling around each other like oblivious idiots.

     all would be well if plan b went, well- well.

that's what they were all hoping for, right?

     "why am i coming?" whined august, leaning against mina's "mom car" as her partner put it so lightly

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"why am i coming?" whined august, leaning against mina's "mom car" as her partner put it so lightly.

"that's what she said," kalynn mumbled under her breath, angrily shoving another bag into the back of mina's car. that earned her a chuckle from suna and a high five from kieran.

from the way a permanent frown had stayed on kalynn's face, and how much she complained (even more than august, arguably) she also hated camping.

although, the entire co-parent shippers groupchat already knew this. it would play into their extremely intelligent plan b.

"you have to come because it's mental health week." mina argued back, done with both kalynn and august's shit. she glared at august. "it's important to have a natural, electronic free weekend. with your friends, too."

kieran raised an eyebrow. that was a fairly good excuse, she applauded, playing with the genderfluid flag pin on her backpack absentmindedly.

kalynn scoffed lightly.

"first off," august began, and both kieran and mina knew this would be a long conversation. "it's the middle of the week. also, it's 6am. who wakes up at 6am?!"

kalynn continued nodding along, as if she firmly agreed to only and strictly august's points. the college student in saying began again, making mina rub her temple painfully.

"-i don't even like the woods! or nature!" august told her, whining childishly. "and ford isn't coming! he's suppose to be my safety blanket for these types of things," they frowned, shifting their weight to another foot.

that was true. ford had stayed back in favour of watching ms meatball buckets jr. similar to this, hoover had to stay back because he would be visiting family near the end of the week.

mina clicked her tongue. "you'll be fine." the black haired girl deadpanned naturally. as another point, she gestured over to kalynn. "and you have kalynn. and arden." and, as a final score, she leaned closer. "and you can finally have a chance to see the stars. or get a tan."

this, surprisingly, did the trick, much to kalynn's chagrin. although, she was happy to see, two minutes later, august starting to complain again.

good. she wouldn't be alone in this hell hole.

𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐁𝐘𝐄 𝐌𝐑.𝐀. kalynn kouryWhere stories live. Discover now