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real life :

[    𝟶𝟷𝟽    ]❥real  life  :

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     nature was terrible, kalynn and august had both agreed while complaining in the car on the way to the camping spot

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     nature was terrible, kalynn and august had both agreed while complaining in the car on the way to the camping spot.

     completely, and utterly terrible. agonizing, intolerable even.

     but, of course, they hadn't even arrived yet.

     and when they did, it got so much worse.

     "i swear to god-" kalynn gritted out, sending a sharp smack to her forearm, effectively killing another mosquito

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     "i swear to god-" kalynn gritted out, sending a sharp smack to her forearm, effectively killing another mosquito. august looked to be in the same boat, flinching away from every moving thing.

     kieran ran a hand through her shoulder length hair, feeling the back of her neck sweat. "hey, take it as a compliment." she tried, nudging kalynn. they all looked at her curiously. "that means they like you. like elementary school boys on the playground, y'know?"

     august frowned, hitting away a mosquito from their nose.

     "where are we going?" suna asked curiously, busy carrying a bag of camping supplies. ve looked around lostly, almost tripping on a stray branch.

     sighing heavily, mina answered. "the camping site. the others are already there." and, seeing the group moral low (for good reason. it was hot as hades balls out there-) added on, "we're close. i think arden said it was the eighth one."

     "you're here!" a voice rang out through the camping site as the group of five entered

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     "you're here!" a voice rang out through the camping site as the group of five entered. they all looked around for the source of the voice, only to find weston. weston, swinging his legs atop a strong enough looking tree branch, a leaf stuck in his hair.

from where august was, staring up at the tree which weston sat in, they stated grimly. "unfortunately," with a dreadful frown. that frown quickly turned alarmed when a fly came too close to their face.

arden clapped, coming to greet the group. she looked weirdly happy about their current situation, walking over to august, kieran, and kalynn as the other two went to set their stuff down with pepper.

"are you ready to have fun?!" they questioned, grinning widely. kieran resisted a laugh.

"i- i don't like fun." august pouted, scanning the camp site with a regretful glint in their eye. "can't i just stay in the tent and..." with a questioning tone, their eyes drifted back to arden. "...sleep?"

"georgenotfound who?" kalynn mumbled under her breath, fiddling with a bracelet on her wrist. truthfully, it wasn't the worst idea.

arden sent her a glare.

"we are going to eat lunch and have fun!" they assured the trio, as if selling them some impractical entrepreneurial business model. "like regular college students!" she exclaimed happily.

"i feel like that's not totally correct-" kieran winced, only to be cut off by a somewhat annoyed arden.

behind them, pepper struggled to get weston out of a tree. her yells echoed over to them, shrill and irritated, albeit determined as any.

"shut up." arden spoke shortly. "we are going to go on a hike tomorrow," she laid out the plan, the calendar already engraved in her brain. "early," they specified, just to see the looks of quiet yearning for comfort and a phone signal dawn on august and kalynn's faces. "and see the sun rise."

"so," arden continued on, "for now we can just stay here and uh," they struggled for the right words, sending a pleading glance back to mina and suna. they both ignored her in favour of helping pepper get weston out of the tree. "...do things."

""do things?"" repeated august, bewildered.

"wow." muttered arden, scratching at the back of her neck where a mosquito had bitten them. "we really should've planned this better."

"no shit, sherlock." kalynn deadpanned back, bitterly swatting at a mosquito.

"gasp." says august dramatically. they held their own cheeks in their hands. "kalynn swears?!"

"you've heard me swear before, dipshit-!"


ignoring the freshly blooming argument, arden walked over to mina and suna. pepper was on the other side of the camp site, hands grasping at the leg of weston's pants, tugging. weston screamed, holding on to the branch he was previously sat on for dear life.

  unconfident, arden cleared her throat. they scratched at their arm unconsciously. "maybe this won't work as well as we thought," she told the couple, shifting their weight.

the three all watched as kieran stood back, eyebrows raised as she regarded august and kalynn, both arguing over verbal swearing verses non linguistic swearing. to be fair, they both had fairly good points.

mina turned to her friend, stubborn and confident.

"no. it will. trust me."

𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐁𝐘𝐄 𝐌𝐑.𝐀. kalynn kouryWhere stories live. Discover now